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I got home five minutes ago, I've been going through my wardrobe since I got in, I just don't know what to wear, I walked into the living room and laid on the floor with my head faced down.

" what the hell are you doing?" Anna said laughing at me. I didn't move, i just answered with a muffled voice.

" i Have a date!" i heard her run over to me and sat down next to me and crossed her legs, i copyed her and faced her, she then squezzed my arm and said.

" Who.... i have tried to get you on a date, and you always said 'NO' so who is the unlucky guy" she started gigling, i loved how immature she can be at times, but she is always serious about boys. i started blushing and a smile grew on her face, she nudged me again, waiting impatiently for my reply. i bit my nails and said quietly, nervous about what she would say.

"i am going on a date with.... with Niall?" her mouth dropped, she then screamed with excitment and said.

" OH MY GOSH! with Niall, YOU ARE SO LUCKY..... when is the date?" i smiled and answered.

" umm.... Tonight" i smiled sarcastically then she grabbed my and we were running into her bedroom, she sat me down on her bed and was going through her wardrobe, she kept throwing things out of the way saying. 'wont suit you', nope,nope' then she turned around holding a beige long sleeve top with black stripes, black skinny jeans and black wedges, i smiled happy with her choice, i grabbed them of her and changed, i didnt mind changing in front of her, we have known each other since we were little kids, were like sisters. i stood infront of the long mirror and grinned, i actually looked okay, Anna helped me put my hair up in a messy bun, and urled some strands that fell out as we were finishing up iheard my phone beep, i opened the message.

" Hi, its Niall, i will come pick you up in five minutes.......Nialler x" i smiled and showed the text to Anna. i turned to her and said.

" Do i look okay? i know this is just as friends but i dont know what if something happens." she leaned over and hugged me and said smiling.

" you look so beautiful! Let it happen, i think you like him, but just go with it okay?" i nodded and just as she was finishing talking, there was a knock on the door, she had promised that she would stay in the room, i walked over and opened the door. i opened the door and he smiled and said.

"Waw...Becca you look amazing" i blushed and gigled, i mentally face palmed my head, i must look so stupid. he grasped my hand and led me to a car, i sat down in the car seat taking in the leather seats, i noticed he sat in the drivers seat, i must of looked insane, i looked at him stupidly almost to say 'what the hell are you doing' he turned on the engine and said.

" i passed my drivers test.... i can drive." my smiled widened, i never knew ! thats so exciting. we stopped outside a house, it looked fairly normal. i walked to the front door and he opened it. i walked in and my mouth dropped. it looked huge and all i could see was the stairs and two doors, he walked into a room and said.

" welcome to my home" i followed him in, it was a lounge, it had two sofa's facing a huge flat screen tv. i sat down and he shook his head smiling and pulled me walking through pattio doors and into a huge garden. there was a hedge going around the whole garden probably for privacy, we carried on walking until we came to blanket which had been put down on the grass next to a basket, i sat down and said to him.

"are we having a picnik under the night sky..... how romantic" i nudged him and laughed, he pulled out a bottle of wine and poured to glasses and handed me one, i gave him a sympathetic look and said.

"Niall.... im not old enough to drink" he smiled and whispered.

"well.... im sure i can keep a secret" we both laughed and drinked the wine. this is the first time i have tried alcohol and i feel like its going straight to my head. i put my hands on my head and rubbed my temples and whispered.

" well that has gone straight to my head" he started laughing and he leaned over and passed me strawberries covered in chocolate, i licked my lips, he mustve of noticed because he was smiling to himself while looking at me. we had been taking fo a good hour now and i have really gotten to know him , i may be even starting to like him.

" do you like that" i nodded with my mouth full of chocolate and strawberries, he leaned over and gently wiped the corner of my lip, i held in my breath. we bothe froze face to face. he started to lean in i closed my eyes, i was ready for this kiss, i waited for our lips to meet. i could feel his breath close to me, i took in a deep breathe then his lips brushed my cheek, i opened my eyes, i couldnt help but feel disapointed, i gave hime a faint smile and looked down and said.

"umm..... i got to go, its getting late and i have got a early day tomorrow." he nodded and helped me up.

i arrived home and walked disapointidly into Anna room, i layed down next to her, and let out a load groan. she woke up from her sleep and screamed with excitement.

" well how did it go?" she asked laying down on her stomache. i gave her an exagerated frown and said.

"it was going amazingly well...... until, well it was really romantic and we were so close to me then he leaned in and i closed my eyes" she interupted me squelling and said.

" You kissed!" she screamed at the end. i then said.

"thats the thing, he didnt, he just pecked my cheek, i was freind zoned" she hugged me and i whispered to her.

" why didnt he kiss me"


Why didnt i kiss her, she was waiting, she closed her eyes and when i kissed her cheek she looked so dissapointed. im so stupid.

i walked back into the boys and mine's house and went into the lounge. they were all sitting on the sofa's and Louis shouted out.

"How did the date go?" I gave a shrug, then realising Harry say. 

"what date, with who?" I turned to him and answered. 

" I went on a date with Becca" he frowned, probably realising that I might of actually 'won' but I haven't , I didn't have the guts to kiss her, and she has probably thought we are just friends, so I have been friend zoned. YAY! I turned back to Louis and said. 

" it went really well. She is amazing" I wasn't lying It was going really well until I chickened out. I smiled at everyone and walked upstairs and into my bedroom, I laid down on my bed and brought out my phone and texted Becca. 

" Becca, are you okay? You seemed upset? Naillerx" I smiled hoping she wouldn't be unhappy. I laid there and felt my phone vibrate it was a text from Becca. 

" Yes I am fine, it's nothing, we can talk about it another time...Niall thank you for the best first date :)  


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