Chapter 7

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as soon as i got through the door i just laid down on the couch and starred at the ceiling. what the hell is going on, i mean i never even liked One Direction and now two of them are flirting with me and kissing me and making me blush. i never wanted to find the boy, who I'm meant to fall for, what in the of hell did i do to have to boys who are best friends, flirt with me. Maybe it is one of there practical jokes with each other, maybe they don't even like me the way i think i like them. my phone vibrated in my pocket and it was a text from Liam.

" hi, Becc.. do you want to come over to our house, we should talk? Liam :D" i looked at the message debating whether i should go or not.

" Hi Li, yea okay... i will be there soon :)" i walked out of my house and headed straight for the boys. i stood outside the door,i took in a deep breathe but before i had a chance to knock the door ,i felt my phone vibrate again, i pulled it out of my pocket to find i had another text of Liam, it said.

" Btw just come straight inside, don't worry about knocking the door, I'm in the living room, just come in and sit down... Liam :D" i opened the door following his instructions and went into the living room, i froze,i wasn't expecting to see Niall and Harry sitting on the two seater sofa, i looked around trying to find Liam, i didn't understand why they were here, i thought they would be at the shoot, that's why i decided to come so i could talk to Liam alone, without any interruptions.

" where's Liam?" they both looked at me and Harry said.

" he isn't coming, he told you to come here, so we could sort this out. " i nodded and sat down on the sofa opposite them both, i looked back and fourth at them both.

" Becca, i never wanted to do this but..." i stopped Niall, i knew what has to be done.

" You guys want me to choose" i curled my lips, i watched them flinch uncomfortably when i answered. Harry looked at me and said.

"its for the best" i shook my head which seemed to shock them, i looked down and said.

" how is it for the best when you guys could end up hating each other, don't make me chose" Harry and Niall both stood up and walked towards me, i stood up aswel.

" it is for the best, We wont end up hating each other. please you have to chose" i stepped back because they both put there hand on my arms.

How was i supposed to choose, i have known them for a few days and know i could potentially, make them hate each other, this is my fault, i should of just kept hating them, instead i became friends and it has just escalated, why did it have to escalate, i mean this is another sign of my bad luck. i looked at them both, i could see that they were both eager for my answer. i looked at Niall, he is so beautiful, his blue eyes seemed to sparkle when i looked at him, his messy blonde hair was just perfection and i did want to just kiss him but then i looked over to harry, His brown curly hair just made me want to entwine my fingers into them, the way his dimples showed when he smiled, he was intrigen because he was so different, even after me seeing that girl he was with made me think more about him, but he was dangerous, he could potentially break my heart but then there is Niall, he could be as bad as Harry, i just don't know, but he made me feel whole, he reeled me in. My mind kept going back and fourth saying pro's and con's, i just couldn't decide. i was interrupted by Niall giving me a faint smile and saying.

"Well?" i looked up at him then to Harry.

" i choose....." they were hanging onto my every word. they looked at eachother then back at me.

" i choose... none of you!" both of their mouths dropped. i quickly walked out, ignoring them both.

i ran into my flat and into my bedroom. i jumped face first onto my bed and screamed into my pillow, i couldn't choose them and now i have lost them both. but what else was i supposed to do watch them hate eachother until i finally pick one and then if i did they would ignore each other. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


" i choose... none of you!" My mouth dropped, i thought she would of picked one of us, i never thought she wasn't interested. the room fell silent, i turned to Niall and he looked devastated, he looked up at me and said.

"i thought..... i didn't think about how she felt..... i just thought that she must like at least one of us.... I'm so selfish" i put my arm around him, i have never seen him look so lifeless, there was no joy in his eyes, no happiness. he turned to me and i could see in his eyes he was upset.

" We shouldn't of pushed her,Harry we shouldn't of pushed her" i nodded and we hugged. i whispered to him.

" I promise, it'll be fine.we'll be fine"  he let go me and walked upstairs, he didn't look at me, he just left. i sat down on the sofa and but my hand through my hair. As much as i hate to say it, I'm absolutely devastated, she didn't choose any of us, we probably wont see her again after the photo shoot has finished, Niall's right we did push her, we forced her to choose maybe we should of given her more time, i don't know maybe to think it through, to decide who she would be with. What if she actually didn't like any of us and this just made her hate us, i couldn't deal with that. i couldn't deal with her hating me. What if she liked Niall and i pushed her away by flirting with her, as much as i wanted her to pick me, i wouldn't want Niall to loose out on falling in love. i stood up and walked upstairs and went into the bedroom. i just freaked out, i went into my bathroom and flipped i knocked down anything that i could see. i stood still staring at the mess i made, how can this one girl have an affect on me, this one girl, this one beautiful, amazing girl. and she isn't mine.


I walked into my room and sat on my bed, she didn't choose any of us, i shouldn't of pushed her, i said from the start i wouldn't make her choose. and that is exactly what i did. she might of liked one of us and when we told her to choose, maybe it pushed her over the edge. what if she hates me, i don't want her to hate me, i didn't want to push her away.

" Zayn, she left..... i need you buddy" i spoke to him through the phone, my voice was shakey.

" alright, i'll be there now... don't worry" i hung up the phone, not wanting to listen to him saying its fine, how can it be fine.

I stood up from the bed and threw my phone at the wall, i pushed her away. she is gone because of me. i walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, i looked the same as i always did, as though nothing had happened .but something is wrong, the girl i liked has gone, that's whats wrong.i clenched my fist, angry at myself, at my reflection, i starred at myself in the mirror, and puched the mirror, instantly regretting my decision. the mirror smashed into a million pieces and i had sliced my knuckles. i held my knuckle tight trying to cover up the sting. This is all my fault.

I went downstairs into the kitchen, i opened the first aid kit and got out a bandage, i turned on the cold water and rinsed away the blood from my knuckles, wincing from the pain. i wrapped the bandage around my knuckle but was interrupted by someone coughing behind me.

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