Chapter 8

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I turned around, Zayn was standing in the door way with his arms open welcoming me for a hug, i turned away from him. he sat down next to me and said.

" Okay, whats up cause you never say no to one of ma hugs" i turned to him and answered.

" I pushed her to much and now she has left, i made her chose between me and Harry and she left Zayn, she said she doesn't pick any of us, i screwed this up!" he put his hand on my shoulder and said.

" and how do you feel about her." i looked up at him and said.

" Becca, i mean she is beautiful and funny and sweet and amazing and i could go on and on..." a smile formed on my face when i started thinking about her.

" and when we kissed for the first time, i don't know its like i found her, i found my princess,!" i looked down at my feet again, i just cant seem to get her out of my head, no matter how hard i try, she is just what i was looking for.... no she is even better and when i connected with her, i just never wanted her to go.

" when Harry kissed her, i was so angry, he is my bestfriend and he has been with loads of girls and when i finally start to like her he wants her and everyone go's for him, so i tried to flirt with her and i guess i came on to strong because i really thought she might of liked me back and..... well i guess i was wrong cause she doesn't want me!" he pulled me in for a hug, i didn't decline this time, i needed one of his hugs, I always come to Zayn to talk about how i feel and he always helps me out but i don't know how he is going to help now cause well.... i mean if someone doesn't like you, you have to let them go don't you..... but i don't want to.

" Niall buddy, but i see the way she looks at you, it just doesn't make sense because i thought she liked you, i don't know...... maybe i got it wrong..... but hey a crush goes, so its okay Nialler" i shook my head and stood up but before i left the room i turned my head and said.

" thats the thing, i dont fancy her..... i think..... Zayn I love her!" I saw him smile before i closed the door. I walked into my bedroom and collapsed on my bed, i closed my eyes, thinking non stop about Becca.


i was just staring at myself in my reflection. i don't know why she didn't pick me, i mean people faint just by looking at my curls and they cry when they meet me and Becca she didn't choose me, i mean yea i feel bad for Niall but still. i picked up my phone and dialled Louis number.

" Hey Hazzer" he said to me excitedly into the phone.

" I need you to come talk to me, i need you BooBear" just when i finished the sentence the door opened and Louis pilled on me and said.

" Im here my lover, what is it?" i walked into my bedroom and sat down on my bed, Louis did the same.

" She didn't pick any of us Louis, she left!" his wide smile turned into a frown, and he said.

" are you sure? i mean i thought she liked you" i shrugged my shoulders to him and said.

" i really thought she might of picked me, i mean our kiss was amazing, it was hot and passionate and i just wanted to keep kissing her and when Niall kissed her i was jealous, i was actually jealous..... Louis i never get jealous." he pulled me into a hug and screamed excitedly in my ear.

" My baby is growing up, Harry Styles are you finally giving up the womaniser inside you because of this girl." i smiled at him and nugded him saying.

" Maybe i am..... and she isn't just some girl, i think i could actually end up falling for her.... Louis, but im stuck!" he shrugged his shoulders to me and walked out.

even though he didn't actually help me it was nice to actually talk to someone, i mean he is my bestfriend, and he knows me so well, i laid down on my bed and closed my eyes thinking about Becca.

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