Chapter 11

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(Becca POV)

I have been sitting on my sofa for half an hour trying to convince myself this is a bad idea but then I end up mentally slapping myself. 

The boys should be here any minute. 

'Ding Ding'  

I stood up and walked to my door.

They both stood there and I moved out of the way so they could come in.

They sat down on the sofa.

They seem so calm, I feel like I an going to faint any minute, I feel so warm, I must look like a tomato.

I closed the door and took a deep breath before standing in front of them.

I smiled at both of them then said. 

" Okay we have to sort this out, this Is stupid you two falling out."

they both stay quiet but they still nod. 

" I don't get why this has made you fall out."

Niall looked up at me, I couldnt stop my heart from beating faster. 

" I guess we both feel that we pushed you to much, and I guess I feel that I should of taken what you felt rather than think about myself."

He looked back down at his feet, he seemed upset.

I smiled and kneeled down infront of them both and said. 

" You guys shouldn't fall out because of that, you guys are best friends and I think it would be silly to argue."

they both look at eachother and smile before hugging it out.

I stood up and I couldn't contain my huge grin.

Harry turned to me and said. 

" so we are friends?"

I smiled and hugged them both and said. 

" of course you idiot"

he let go and said. 

" sorry I got to go, See ya later"

he hugged me and Niall before leaving. 

I looked at Niall and smiled, I could feel butterflies in my stomache.

I actually think I like him, but how can I tell him.I can't just say. ' hey I think I like you even though I almost caused you and you best friend to fall out and this could make things worst but I just thought you should now that I like you' yea thats not going to work out very well. 

" would you like a drink?"

I asked him, trying to make conversation rather than both of us staring at each other, he nodded.

I walked into the kitchen and made us some apple juice but before I could take them back into the living room he said. 

" did you not like any of us?"

I swear I almost had a heart attack, I quickly turned around and said. 

" I'm sure I just told you guys that were all friends"

I turned back around to the drinks. 

" no I mean, more than friends"

My eyes widened.

I stayed silent. How do I answer, I can't just say that I kind of like him.

It would make things awkward between us,I turned around, I was face to face with him now our noses almost touching, I couldn't break my eyes away from his. 

" well? Do you?"

I could feel his breath on my skin.

I felt him put his hand on my waist.  

" Becc... Do you like me or Harry in that way?"

I noticed he looked at my lips then back into my eyes.  

" I can't. It would make things weird between us"

I whispered loud enough for him to hear. 

" how would it be weird between us...... Wait, Do you like Harry?"

I saw him slightly frown. 

" No"

I whispered again.

He perked back up and just when I went to speak his lips collided with mine.

I froze for a second before reacting.

I moved my hands to the back of his neck and into his hair.

He let out a moan which made me smile onto the kiss. He moves his hands around my waist.

This was even better now that I now I like him and again there are explosions going on, he makes me feel like I need him.

His Tongue gently slided against my bottom lip asking for permission.

I keep my lips shut, he repeats again and I still refuse, he leans his head against mine and says. 

" your so stubborn"

I let out a giggle and smile.

His phone started making a noise, he pulls it out and reads a text I'm presuming. 

" oh crap.... Sorry Becca I gotta go I have a meeting with management... Sorry."

I smile and say. 

" it's fine. No need to apologies."

he smiles back and quickly pecks my lips and leaves.

As soon as I heard the Door shut I couldnt help but jump about and scream, I feel really excited.

He kissed me again, and it felt like really amazing.

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