Chapter 10

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I stood outside the boys house thinking about this whole situation, why would Harry and Niall both leave early, something must of happened, my thoughts were interrupted when Liam finally opens the door. I followed him into the living room and i sat down next to him on the sofa.

" so.... What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked, he turned to me and let out a sigh and said.

" well, I heard what happened between you, Niall and Harry" my mouth formed an 'o' shape and he smiled awkwardly.

" but um yea..... They argued today at the photo shoot and that's why they all left, and I hate to do this to you but ...."

" you want me to talk to them" I cut in before he could finish, I should of seen this coming. Obviously I would need to talk to them, I could potentially ruin there friendship. I mean they could end up hating eachother and then the band could split up...and... Actually I mean that would be extreme because I am not anything special.

" I know you never ment for this to happen, but Becca they are good guys, their great guys and I wouldn't want this to affect there friendship." I nodded, he said exactly what I was thinking, this is insane, I closed my eyes tight, I can feel my eyes welling up, it's just so frustrating, I just don't understand how this can happen, I mean I hardly now them and yet I have made them argue. A tear fell on my cheek and I looked at Liam and said.

" I just don't get it Liam, I never asked for them to be like this... I never asked for me to feel like this towards ...." i stopped myself from finishing the sentence, he wiped the tear from my cheek then he said.

" I know you didn't ... But..... Wait, towards who? Do you like one of them?"

" I don't know" I looked down embarrassed, I must seem so stupid and childish crying.

He put his arm around me and said.

" hey it's okay..... There is no need to cry, just talk to them and tell them how you feel..... Tell Niall how you feel" I looked up at him surprised and said.

" how did you know?" he smiled at me and said.

" just how you look at him, I do notice.... He does like you to, I can tell... Just let down Harry nicely. But you have to tell Niall how you feel, he deserved to be happy for once, he deserves to find his princess and wether that is you, I don't know but..... You could be" I smiled, Liam is so lovely and he talks about Niall, like he is the greatest guy ever and I don't deny it, without thinking I hugged him and told him to tell Harry and Niall to come over mine in an hour.

I stood up and walked out of their house, this is it I'm going to fix this mess the right way before it becomes unfixable. Okay I can do this! Becca you can do this ! Just don't chicken out, keep strong.... There just guys, their your friends.

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