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i went downstairs after having enough of playing the game, i mean it was just me Louis and Zayn left, Liam, Harry and Becca just went missing so i finally had enough and gave up playing  i walked into the living room and went to sit down but instead i saw Becca asleep on the the sofa, she was cuddled up in a blanket and leaning on her arm, i walked over to her and knelt down. she looked so beautiful, and peaceful, deep in her dreams, every so often her lips would slightly move, as though she was speaking  but not making a sound. I think i am falling for her, we kissed and it was amazingly good, her lips were soft, soothing to touch. she could be the girl i have been looking, my princess. i leaned over and kissed her head.  i moved a peice of her hair behind her ear, and pulled the blanket more over her just in case she was cold. i smiled, taking her in before standing, i walked into the kitchen to find something to eat, i was starving, i felt like i hadnt eaten in days, but  instead i found Harry stood their with a  huge grin on his face, i dont know why but he just annoyed me at that point, i dont know why but he just is. he looked up at me and said.

" i'm sorry but im afraid you have lost the game" i looked  confused look at him and said.

"What?" he started smiling and walked towards me almost like a walk of pride and said.

" we kissed, me and Becca Kissed and when i say kiss i mean it was passionate and she..." i interupted him.

"you what? your wrong, your lying!" he shook his head and we were face to face. i felt my knuckles clench. i wanted to hit him so bad.

" I, Harry Styles have won the girl, im sorry but we kissed! she didnt kiss you she kissed me" rage grew inside me and i held him by his shirt against the wall and said.

" I kissed her and she kissed me back" i let go of his shirt and he pushed me to the floor we started shouting at eachother, the boys must of heard us cause just when we were about to hit each other Zayn and Louis held us back and Liam shouted.

"What the hell is going on here!" i tried to struggle out of Zayn's grasp, i had no luck, i just answered Liam and said.

" Harry said that Becca  kissed him but she and i have kissed...... Liam he has to be lying!" I just felt hurt and angry, lucky that Zayn had me held back, i would of swung  at him, as much as i love Harry, the way he said that he had wan, the way he says they kissed has made me so angry, and i hardly ever get worked but this tipped me over the edge and i didnt want him to get away with this, Harry was just about to bite back but liam calmy said.

" He did kiss her, but so did Niall! but you listen here she told me everything, how you guys did it out of the blue..... she was so distraught.... she was almost in tears because she never wanted this. so listen up if you want her upset, then i would wise up you to and stop fightin cause it's not good for you, her or any of us, so wise the hell up!" Harry and i both nodded our heads, and we were let home, i walked up to my room but when i pasted the lounge i looked at her and smiled. i'm not letting her go, she is to special.


i stormed upstairs and slammed my door shut, i am so angry, who gets her then , i mean i am Harry frigging Styles im always suduce girls, im sure she will pick me, i mean Niall will get over it. i got out my phone and i called the first person i knew, Maisey. she sounds sweet but boy do i have fun with her..

"Harry, and what mispleasure do i have talking to you?" i smerked she knew me so well, she was my little secret.

" Babe, come over, i need some fun" i heard her laugh and she answered.

" when you say fun, you had better mean sex"

" i wouldnt want it any other way" she hung up the phone i know she would be here any minute she lived two minutes away.

" hey there baby" i looked up from my bed and there she was in a brown mid lenght coat, he smiled and walked up to her but before i reached her, she took of her coat, she was completely naked.  i winked at her and lifted her up and started kissing her, we had passed all the awkwardness, we know we are just friends with benifits, we layed down on my bed then i moved my hands all over her body. i couldnt help but notice the huge difference between maisey and Becca. with Maisey there was no emotion no passion, nothing comparred to what i felt towards Becca.

we had finished you know what..... i facing my ceiling and she sat up next to me and said.

" who is that girl down stairs, she was in the kitchen making a drink, she is really pretty."i smiled thinking about her, and loked at Maisey and said.

" thats Becca, she is beautiful, i think i like her!" she gave me an annoyed look.and said.

" then if you like her what the hell are you doing with me, i flipping told her i was here for you, you dipshit, do you want her to like you?" i physically hit my head with my hand and said.

" shit i didnt think about that, i hope she likes me, im sorry but you got to go" she put her coat on and waved goodbye to me, i laid down on my bead and fell asleep worrying about Becca.


i was just laying on the couch when i heard someone coming down the stairs, i turned around and it was the girl, Maisy again, she sat down next to me and said.

" Hey... im sorry i didnt introduce myself, i needed to see Harry." she bit her lip and nervously and started biting her nails.

" Hi im Rebecca, you can call me Becca. So you and Harry, i didnt know he was seeing someone"  she scratched her head and kept rubbing her temples with her fingers, then she said.

" look im not going to lie but we do hook up, here and there but it is nothing serious, he is actually a really nice guy" i nodded, but felt a bit awkward seeing as they just you know.... and then he kissed me earlier and now he was doing this girl....... she left and i was left along confusing myself with my own thoughts, i blanked my mind and closed my and finally after what felt like hours i finally went to sleep.

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