Chapter 6

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i opened my eyes finding myself blinded by the light, my eyes adjusted and i looked around to see i was still in the boys house, i looked at my phone and it was six in the morning, i dont really want to wake anyone up, so i think i will just go home to get ready for work.

i quietly walked into my flat and sneaked in to my bedroom, i got into the shower, i closed my eyes letting the warm water flow over my face. i blocked out all thoughts whilst the water calmed me, relaxed me, i came back down to earth and stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me, i walked into my bedroom and put on my clothes, denim skinny jeans,white top and creme cardigan. i sat down at my dresser and dried my hair and brushed out all the knots , happy with the reflection, i went into the kitchen and made myself a bowl of coco pops. mid may through eating i looked at the time and it was almost quarter to eight, my eyes opened wide knowing i could end up being late. i grabbed my phone and ran to work.

i walked into the shoot and there was an awkward silence when all the boys stood there starring at me, i walked into the kitchen and turned on the kettle, i needed some tea. i held the warm tea filled cup in between my hands, sipping it now and then trying not to burn my tongue.

"umm hey Becc" i turned around and saw Niall smiling at me by the door, i smiled, he walked towards me and said.

"I think we need to talk....." i nodded awkwardly, but he suprised me by putting his hand in mine and whispering.

" we need to talk about how beautiful you look today." i felt my cheeks blush, i gently pushed him, but before i walked away, he spun my around and we ended up face to face, he leaned in and gently brushed his lips on mine, he walked out of the room and i just stayed still,, the kiss was enough to make me speechles, i was shocked but pleased at the same time.

i was about to walk out when Harry walked in and put his hand in mine, i looked shocked but yet i still felt blood rush to my cheeks, i went to pull away but just like Niall he pulled me in and Kissed me gentely on the lips. he waked out leaving me silent and confused, the kisses were completely different, When Niall kisses me, its like its just me and him and its passionate and its everything i have ever wanted but then when Harry kisses me, its unepected and hot, it feels wrong but then right, they make me feel so different and i just cant think who is the one. who would be the right and good choice for me.

 i walked into the shoot and sat on the sofa, i was so frustrated, i leaned my elbows on my knees and put my head in my hands, i  rubbed my eyes trying to sort everything out, i leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

" do you mind if i sit by you?" i turned to look at Liam and we exchanged friendly smiles.

" no of course not"  he sat down next to me, he said.

" You okay? you look like your deep in your thoughts" i gave a slight smile and said.

" im not okay? im flipping freaking out, about this whole Niall and Harry situation" he put his arm around me and whispered.

" im sure things will work out" i shook my head, i could feel myself getting worked up and i said back.

" its not,  you know why? cause evertime i turn around they turn up and kiss me or hold my hand, and i just freeze, it is just so overwhelming! and i just dont know what to do." he pulled me into a hug, then all of a sudden, Harry and Niall run over and said.

" hey whats worng?"  i looked up at them, i shook my head and ran, and i wasnt stopping, i just ran straight home, away from the confusion.


i watched her panic then she ran away, i turned back to Harry and Niall, who looked shocked and cofused. i stood infront of them and said.

" Guys, she is freaking out, you all need to sort this out, you cant both have her.... you either let her choose or let her go! it isnt fair on her or you guys" they both looked at eachother and Niall said.

" we should let her choose, and whoever she doesnt choose, just lets her be, okay?" Harry nodded.

this was a good thing for them, and i hope it works out for the best because i like Becca and it would be hard to say goodbye, we have become really close, she is like one of my bestfriends.

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