Chapter 12

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It's been a few hours since Niall left, and I can't stop thinking about him , even if I try, It just circles back to him for example earlier I went into the kitchen and saw ketchup, then thought of food then it reminded me of Niall.

I just keep ending up thinking of him.

I changed into my grey sweats and black hoodie, this was my outfit that i call, ' the No one can see outfit' because even though it is the comfiest clothes on the universe, it isn't exactly stylish and i would not be caught dead outside, i had ordered pizza about fifteen minutes ago.

I heard a knock on the door, finally the pizza is here, i swear i am dying of hunger,so I walked over and opened the door.

I smiled seeing his familiar face, then panicked looking down at what i was wearing.

" Hey"

I said to Niall, I could not keep the smile of my face, even though i am now dying of embarrassment.

I opened the door more and motioned for him to come in, he walked up to me and picked me up, i tries to struggle but all i could do was laugh, he kicked the door shut and ran over to the couch then playfully let me go so I was laying on the couch, he sat down then started tickling me. I burst out laughing then attempted to speak.

" Niall... Stop...I'm... myself...."

he smirked before he stops tickling me, he leaned over me and connected his lips with mine, he leaned all his wait on his arms but i didn't care, i pulled his shirt with my hands so that we were touching he pulled away still leaning over me.

" what was that for?"

I whispered to him, he smiled and answered.

" your just so beautiful, I couldn't help myself"

he winked before sitting up.

i couldn't help but roll my eyes.

" oh yea, wearing sweats and shoving my hair in a bun is just so beautiful"

i said to him sarcastically.

He quickly put his hands under my chin and turned my head to face him, he leaned in and whispered into my ear.

" You always look beautiful"

i could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, it did sound like he meant it, i leaned in and gently kissed his cheek and said.

" your beautiful"

i stood up and walked into the kitchen leaving him there smiling like an idiot.

but i know that he isn't my idiot, were not together, this reminds me of.... of... no on, I'm not thinking about it.

I heard a knock on the door so i shouted out to Niall and said.

" Niall do you mind getting that, its the pizza i ordered, its already been paid for."

i heard him shuffle over to the door. whilst he was getting the pizza, i made us some drinks.

i walked into the living room and put the drinks on the table, Niall came in and placed the pizza box next to them, he wrapped his arms around me from behind, and whispered.

" Would you like to go on our second date?"

i spun around and placed my hands on his chest, smiling, and said.

" I would absolutely love to, Nialler"

he leaned in and kissed my lips, first he was gently pecking them but then we both began to kiss with more passion, more want, i wrapped my hands around his neck and he placed his hand on my waist pulling me closer. 

I felt his tongue trace against my bottom lip, but i still held my ground, we leaned our heads against each others and i said.

" You just cant keep away can you?"

i said playfully.

" I bet you i can"

A smile grew on my face.

" Okay then, lets do a bet, whoever kisses the other person first has to do whatever the other person wants."

He thought about it for a second then said.

" So we have to see who cracks first."

i nodded and said.

" Unless you know your gonna loose"

he pulled me in and kissed me passionately and said.

" Your on, its starts from now!"

i smiled and just when i was about to lean in to kiss his cheek, i remembered the bet, i think this is going to be harder than i thought.

I think he noticed me going to lean in because he had a huge grin on his face.

I sat down and opened the pizza box, i grabbed a pizza and shoved it in my mouth , i have never felt so hungry in my life. 

He sat down next to me and watched me whilst i ate, i turned to him smiling and said.

" You can have some mind, you dont have to ask"

He gave me a quick hug before grabbing a pizza for himself.


We had finished the pizza, and were now watching a movie, if im honest i have no idea what the hell I'm watching, but I'm enjoying cuddling up to Niall.

He had his arm around me and i was leaning my head on his chest.

He was probably even comfier than my bed. and that's saying something because i love my bed.

Oh i have a great idea, i reckon i should wind him up, see if he is easy enough to cave in, i am going to win this bet.

I am going to use this movie wisely, its a horror and it isnt terrifying but i can work with it.

when something jumped on the screen i berried my face in his neck and specifically breathed on his neck, i could feel him shiver then start to breathe heavily, i started  drawing circles with my fingers on his chest. i was holding in my laughter, i could feel him trying to calm his breathing down until he said.

" Becca, please stop it"

i looked at him acting confused and said.

"What? I'm just enjoying this film"

he gave me a sarcastic 'of course you were' look,i put my hand at the back of his neck and into his hair, and started playing with it, i bit my bottom lip trying to contain myself from kissing him first, he leaned forward, making our eyes connect, i don't know if its the blue but their is something that makes me lost, he came so close to me our lips almost touching, i closed my eyes letting him gladly kiss me, i could feel his warm breathe on my lips then.

"Nice try Becca" 

 My eyes shot open, i actually thought that he was going to kiss me, but sticking to my act, I playfully slapped his arm and pretended to act hurt, he pulled me into his arms and said.

"I would love to kiss you but i ain't gonna loose this bet"

I looked up at him and smiled.

"Don't worry i know"

He smiled and rubbed our noses together, an Eskimo kiss.

" Im fine with just being around, seeing you." He whispered, i couldnt help but smile, he actually makes me feel like nothing else matters.

I rested my head on his lap and whilst he played with my hair i quickly fell asleep.

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