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"So please get an autograph for me, Please Becca....Dont forget" Anna begged me when i was leaving to go to work, when i went home yesterday, the first time ever she asked how was work and i accidently mentioned i was working with One direction, she just started screaming then she was crying but then she wouldnt stop bugging me saying

"Oh my gosh, arnt they just dreamy"

"do they smell good?"

"you are just so lucky"

in the end to shut her up i promised i would get them to sign something for her. I left her in the house screaming excitedly and i was walking down the street listening to my ipod, i walked into the building, and i decided to use the stairs, i got to the studio and walked in singing demi Lovato Skyscraper, and i was properly into the song, but when i turned around, i saw five faces starring at me, i felt the blood rush to my cheeks, i pulled my ear phones out and smiled before quickly running into the kitchen, i have never felt so embarresed. i turned on the kettle and leaned my arms and head on the counter. i was lost in my thoughts when someone said with a strong irish accent.

"Nice singing" i turned to him and said.

" dont take the mick...Niall i didnt know you guys were going to be here so early" he smiled at me and leaned against the counter next to me, and said.

" im not taking the mick, you are actually really good." i blushed again, smiling like a shy little girl, we were silent for a second then we both started laughing when harry came in the room and said.

" so whats so funny hot stuff!" he came and stood next to me, i bit my nails and shook my head annoyed, i looked at Niall and smiled. then Harry spoke again.

"So are you working with us or me today, Becca?" he winked at me at the end, i tutted then answerd.

" How do you know my name? and if im honest i would probably like to work with everyone else but you" i said smiling, hearing Niall laugh next to me. Harry was silent, i then walked out of the room with Niall pleased that i won that battle. i said hi to all the others, and hearing them laugh when Niall told them what i said, i couldnt help but laugh with them, they are actually not as bad as i thought. 

Harry walked in after us and pulled me outside of the studio. He closed the door and walked to the huge window at the end of the corridor, I Walked down next to him and said. 

" look I dont want to cause anything, so if it makes you feel any better, I'm sorry for embarrassing you infront of Niall" 

I started giggling when I leaned over me, I had my back against the window and he had his ands tight on my waist, I froze shocked at what he was doing, he winked at me and came close to my face and said. 

" you know, I've noticed the sexual tension between us" I looked at him stupid, I know for a fact I did not feel anything sexual towards him, I let out a laugh and said. 

" the only thing I feel towards you is hate" I gave him a cheeky smile then he whispered. 

" ouch babe... I know you have been dying to kiss me." I shook my head in disgust, he started leaning in he closed his eyes and his lips puckered, I did the first thing that came to my mind, I grabbed his shoulders and kneed him in the balls. He fell on his knees holding his private parts and he let out a groan of pain. I ran back Into the studio, and let out a laugh, Lillian and the boys turned to me and just said proudly. 

" oh nothing, you find out sooner or later" I grinned then walked over to the camera's to set them up. 

I heard the door open, I watched Harry slowly walked over to the pains carefully trying not to hurt himself. Someone asked what happened, he turned to me then back to them and answered. 

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