Chapter 9

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I had hardly any sleep last night, I woke up at four in the morning from dreaming of Niall and Harry, it was weird, I was with Harry and we were laughing and then he turned into Niall and then back to Harry, they kept switching and in the end they shouted at me saying ' you did this, you should of picked one of us, but you just left.......' I don't know why the dream had such an effect on me. But I just could not go back to sleep, so I just got out my guitar and started playing, It was a secret talent that I did including singing that I never told anyone, I always hid my guitar in my closet.

It was now half past seven and I would need to go to work, I walked into Anna's room and shook her until she woke up, without saying anything she hugged me and went straight to the bathroom, she does make me laugh of she can just randomly hug me. I started walking, heading to work. As much as I don't want to go and see Niall and Harry , I have to, this is my job and I'm not going to risk losing the one thing I love doing.

I stood outside the door of the photo shoot and took in a deep breathe, I opened the door, I looked around seeing all the boys on the sofa, my eyes glanced over them before going in to the kitchen. They were all staring at me.

I turned on the kettle, waiting for the water to boil.

" Hey Becc..." the familiar Irish voice startled me. I spun around on my feet. I curled my lips before saying.

" Hi..." the atmosphere was really awkward. Niall walked towards me.

" I want to apologise" my eyes widened, why would he want to apologise, I never expected him to want to apologise. He put his hand on my arm and said.

" I shouldn't of pushed you. I'm sorry..... I never ment to push you! Can we be friends? "

His eyes looked full of regret, a small smile crept On my face. I nodded and said.

" of course, I would love to be your friend" His lips formed a genuine smile. And he wrapped his arms around me, I couldn't help but melt into his arms, it wasn't an uncomfortable hug, it was more than just nice as well, I quickly let go noticing that we had hugged longer than someone would usually hug someone.

We both walked back into the shoot and I just ignore the boys stares and walk infront of them and said.

" you guys will be doing group photos today and Lillian will be the photographer for today so yea.... Okay any questions?"

Liam nodded and said.

" why aren't you doing it today, Becca?"

" because I have to do some editing and important work...." I smiled at them ignoring Harry staring at me and walked over to the computer at the other end of the room and started with my work.

(Harry POV)

We had been taking a few photos and Lillian said.

" Okay can Liam swap places with ..... Uh... Harry, so Harry you will be next to Niall."

I looked at her and said.

" Uh No thanks, I'm alright!" I instantly regret saying that, its just I can't help but think that I could be with Becca if it wasn't for him. I turned to look at the boys, they all looked shocked when someone said.

" whats that supposed t'mean" Niall walks infront of me, he seemed confused, I let out a laugh and said.

" oh whatever Niall, you know it's awkward cause Becca hates us because of what we did" he furrowed his eyebrows and said.

" I sorted it out were friends" I shook my head and said.

" good one, desperate to get into her pants is it!" he looked angry then said.

" I'm not like you Harry!" okay I deserved that, I don't know why I'm like this towards him.

" Yeah, no wonder, she didn't pick you, you probably scared her off!" the words just keep coming out of my mouth, he looked hurt, He turned to Lillian and said.

" Sorry but I'm going, I ain't taking this from him," he then just walked out and that was it.

Liam turned to me and said.

" what the hell is wrong with you Harry, Niall didn't even do anythin!" I shrugged and walked out heading home.

(Becca POV)

I was busy doing my work when I saw Niall walking out, looking extremely angry then Harry left not that long after him. I stood up and walked over to Liam and asked.

" Li what's happened?" he turned to me and said showing a faint smile.

" I think we need to talk, when you finish here come over the boys and mine's house" I nodded but stopped him from walking away and said.

" Your actually going to be there this time?" he laughed.

" Yes I am" he gave me a quick hug and walked out with the rest of the boys.

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