The Best Gift Is The One That Isn't Recieved {2}

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The two Mini-cons had been working for a few hours on the frame, trying to make it perfect for their Master. However, it was hard. They had to find a frame big enough for Drift then decorate it with things that he likes. Denny had given them the paint they had used on the fake energon cubes and Fixit was printing images off for them.

Slipstream placed the paintbrush onto a tray before admiring his work, the frame was covered in luminous blue paint. Jetstorm had just finished cutting out the images that Fixit had printed out for them, but they weren't sure what to pick so they only had the Autobot symbol.

Curiously, Slipstream looked up at his friend. "So Jetstorm, what else are we going to add to the frame?"

Jetstorm placed the pictures down then spoke. "Honestly, I'm not sure." The Mini-con stared at the surface. "This seemed like such a good idea at the time, but now..."

The red Mini-con placed a servo on his partner's shoulder plate before he could finish. "It is a good idea, and besides, we still have days before Christmas, something will come to us."

Jetstorm smiled at his partner. Suddenly, they heard footsteps just outside of their room. The black Mini-con gasped before grabbing the paint bucket.

"Quick, hide the frame!" Jetstorm whispered as he placed the paint behind his berth, hoping that Drift wouldn't go close enough to see it. Swiftly, Slipstream picked up the frame and pushed it under his berth.

Drift opened the door and walked in, he noticed that the Mini-cons seemed to be panicking, but he didn't want to know why.

The pair bowed as their Master spoke. "You two need to train, meet me outside in two minutes." Drift's optics narrowed when he noticed Slipstream. "Slipstream?" The red Mini-con stood up. "Why do you have blue paint on your faceplate?"

Jetstorm looked at his partner, there was indeed a patch of paint on his cheek. Slipstream didn't notice it before.

He smiled awkwardly. "Oh, um... I fell in the paint section, I thought I got it all off but I was wrong."

Drift didn't believe his story for a second, this was causing him to wonder what his pupils were up to. Jetstorm and Slipstream could tell he knew.


The pair woke up the next morning, they were too tired to work on the frame after training so they went straight to bed. Jetstorm and Slipstream climbed out of their berths then went to grab the paint and frame.

The black Mini-con faced his partner who was adding more things to the frame. Jetstorm was interested in what Slipstream was doing, but didn't want to ask about it.

"Slipstream, what will happen if the Master calls us for training again, or something else happens?"

"Then we do it, our training and missions are important, also we don't have a choice." Jetstorm chuckled when he said the last part. "But we still have five days to get this frame done, and who says the image in it has to be a surprise? I'm sure we can convince our Master to take a picture after."

"I guess you're right," Jetstorm said with an annoyed voice.

{3 Hours Later}

The frame was almost finished, they had decorated it with plenty of images such as their weapons and other things the pair had been able to capture from their optical caches. Slipstream was even able to use the pieces from Drift's old katana, (the one that
he broke).

The Mini-cons stepped back and admired their work, they were ready to wrap it up. However, they were still missing the image to go in it, but the duo agreed to handle that after Drift recieved their present.

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