Introducing Private Roleplays!

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I've seen some other people do it so I'm thinking of doing it myself.

How it would work is that I would create a page in my 'Transformers Roleplay Scenarios' book where me and one other person can rp together. We can do as many roleplays as we want on that page and it can be about anything, not just transformers.

I just think that this would be a good idea because it puts most of my rps with that person in one place, meaning that replies may even be a bit faster.

Also, if we were to ever run out of ideas on one then we can start another and come back to it, and we can have multiple going at once.

But there are going to be requirements.
(I can't have everyone asking for one)

Here are the requirements:

~ You must have 2 or more past roleplays with me

~ At least one of them has to have been over 1k replies (if you roleplay with me in PMs then I will judge if it's long enough and deleted roleplays count!)

~ If you're interested then PM me (if this isn't possible then just comment here)

~ You must allow my OCs in the rp

This is just to make things more orgainised.

Let me know if you're interested!

Starburst out.

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