An Important Rule When Roleplaying

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If it isn't fun for both roleplayers, then it isn't fun for neither of them.

So what does this mean?

It means that if one person isn't enjoying a roleplay then they will loose interest, causing them to put less effort into their responses, which could result in the other person not enjoying it due to the responses they recieve.

I learned this whilst using my own rp book, and I was the first to begin not liking a rp causing the other person to have less fun. This has also been the other way around in certain cases.

There are a few things you can do to ensure that both of you are having fun:

1. Keeping it equal

If you focus the roleplay around one person or OC, then it could result in the other person not having fun because they feel they are just following everything you do, which isn't how a roleplay is supposed to work. To change this, maybe switch things up, give the other person a chance to shine, and take turns in who the main character is , or do it both at the same time. Whatever works for you and your partner.

2. Don't control other peoples actions and thoughts

This isn't a major one and it can easily be resolved. But sometimes if your partner takes control of someone that you were playing then it could make you feel unequal and could get annoying. Another way of this happening is if you are controlling just the voice of a certain character because your partner is controlling their actions and feelings. To resolve this, simply allow your partner to control everything about their character and in return, they need to let you control everything about your character.

3. Don't base it off of your real life (unless you AND your partner have agreed to it):

Basing a roleplay off of your real life can sometimes get annoying. For example, if you suffered a break up in real life, you then mention it in the roleplay. This could cause the roleplay to be unequal and makes your partner feel a little left out or annoyed. And if you were to both do this, then it would be chaos (unless you find a way to do this and you both enjoy it). To resolve this, base it off your OC and don't change the plot if something happens in real life.

4. Respect that people may want to rp their characters with their personalities

For example, if I was playing Megatron, then I would want to be evil, and if I was playing Bumblebee (from TFA) I would want to be cocky. You can't get mad at someone for wanting to play a character as they are in the show or book or whatever it is. So don't get mad if they do. To resolve this, perhaps play as characters that reflect the personality that you most enjoy (such as being kind or evil) and you will both have fun without arguments.

Just so you know, I am one of those people who play characters as they are in the shows, and if you don't like that then don't rp with me. And if you think I am a mean person because I am evil as a Decepticon, then you know why. Overall, I am a really nice person, just not when I am a Decepticon. >:)

5. Don't be hurt all of the time (unless you AND your partner are okay with this)

During rps, most people prefer to be the victim, and enjoy it when their OC/character suffers an injury, or is emotionally hurt. But it could make the other person feel a bit annoyed or even upset. If the character you are playing makes your partner's character unhappy often, then it could make you feel really bad which isn't really your fault. Or if you are always hurt then it could make your partner feel like a third-wheel (in a manner of speaking). To resolve this, don't be injured all of the time, and be happy when being in a rp (unless you both agree otherwise) and give your partner a chance to be the one in need.

Of course, all of these ideas can be bent (except maybe the first one) as long as you are both happy.

I decided to post this because it is a really useful thing to know and it can help improve mine and your roleplays.

I will admit that there are times when I haven't been sticking to these rules but I'm do my best to make up for it, because it really hurts my spark if I upset someone (unless I know that they are just pretending to be upset for the purpose of the rp).

If you have anything you would like to add (I'm always open to advice) then feel free to comment!

Thank you for taking the time to read this :)

Starburst out.

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