This Is A Sad Rant

49 4 21

You know that moment when you ask one parent for your opinion on something you've done and they say some really positive things, only to hear from the other parent that they actually complained about it on the phone to them without you knowing.

Well, I just found out that my mum did that to me after I had my last hair appointment. She knows I'm really self-conscious yet she complained to my dad anyway, knowing he was going to tell me...

She said that I didn't get it cut short enough even though I told her I wanted to grow it out. I feel so stupid and upset knowing that she isn't happy with the way I look.

I actually just went to my room crying (I hid it very well from my dad so he has no idea) and I am not happy about this.

I'm going to talk to her tomorrow about it and ask her why she's done that, and I'm going to ask why she isn't happy with it being long unlike hers.

Also, both my dad and my brother are happy, and I'm happy, so why can't she be? It's my choice, not hers.

My dad tried to say that I was a product of them, but I argued that I was a product with a brain meaning that I could make my own choices and be who I want to be, not be like them.

I know I may seem very over-dramatic about this, but I hate it when my parents don't like something about me, it really hurts...

Sorry again for the vent, I had to do this.

Starburst out.

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