I'm Ranting Here

47 7 15


Due to stress, my rp replies haven't always been the best, causing a few arguments.

Arguments are something that I can handle.
(Even though I hate getting into them)

But one thing I can't handle is...

When the other person makes that problem public.

Sometimes when I get into an argument, I find that the other person has posted on their message board about that argument.

I don't know if this is just to rant or get people to support them but it isn't right.

It's kinda rude.

Of course, if it's intentional bullying then it's a different story. Trying to put a stop to it by telling others is a good idea.

Unless both sides are fine to make it public, you shouldn't tell everyone of your followers. It causes hatred and ganging up against the other. (Even if you don't mention their name, people can tell who the other account is from your activity)

Especially if that message includes swearwords!

On Wattpad, there are multiple people who don't appreciate being described using swearwords. I am included. When at school, I hate it when people swear to me despite my age (15). It's just wrong in my eyes.

If you get into an argument, talk it over with the other person. Or rant to a family member, friend or someone in PMs.

Don't post about it for everyone to see.

Just another note: I try to be a nice person, I don't like causing arguments, and I hate offending people. If I do something wrong, just tell me and I'll correct it. If I think what I've done is reasonable, then I'll stand up for myself.

I have multiple reasons for bad replies:

~ If it's a really long reply whilst I'm doing schoolwork, I don't always have time to read it fully, making my reply bad. I just don't want that person to feel ignored.

~ When I'm tired, I think differently about what I'm typing (I have moments where I reply one night then wake up the next morning regretting it)

~ I don't always get to add OCs to a rp, so when I do, I get excited, causing me to use them a lot and forget about other characters and OCs (a habit I am currently trying to break)


I'm sorry for the rant, I just needed to get it out.

I'll try not to let it happen again.

Starburst out.

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