The Fight

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A/N: please leave some comments and vote! I'd really appreciate it.

  "Okay fine! You know what, no i don't care! Do what you want Cheryl but i'm telling you..." she starts to drift off into a whisper with tears glistening in her eyes, "...don't come crying to me when your heart gets broken." and with that she was gone.

   I sat on my bed dumbfounded. I didn't know what was going on, i didn't know what to do, i didn't know what i did. The thing i did know was that Toni was gone. My bestfriend just left and i don't know why.

Let me take you back a little bit

~in the lounge at riverdale high~

   "Hey T! Did you see the new girl?" I asked sitting next her her on the couch.

   "No I didn't, why" Toni responded.

   "Well don't freak out, but it's Heather. She came back and even though you haven't met her i know you guys will become great friends."

   "As long as she doesn't tear apart our wonderful friendship," she places her hand on top of mine "I think i'll manage" she says finishing with a wink.

   Heather walks into the lounge, causing me to jump up immediately and run over to her giving her the biggest hug. We pulled away and just looked at eachother with the biggest grins.

   "Wow Cheryl, you look so different. I'm loving the style." Heather says.

   "I cant believe it's really you. Look at you! All grown up." I'm so excited to see her and you can definitely hear it in my voice.


   "Well what?"

   "Aren't you gonna take me on a tour of my new school?"

   "Of course! Oh wait, come here!" I immediately grab her hand and drag her to where Toni is.

Tonis pov

   Cheryl was way too excited to see someone who left her all those years ago. She never got that excited to see me, even when we were separated for months because we had to travel. When she got up i pulled out my phone as an attempt to hide my annoyance. After a few minutes i felt a cheerful Cheryl and a ...Heather... standing over me.

   "Toni this is Heather, Heather this is Toni, my current BFFL." Cheryl said.

   'current' what the hell was that supposed to mean?

   I stood up and looked at them with the blankest expression on my face. Cheryl knows i don't mind new people but i cant show her that i minded HeAtHeR. "Toni. Toni Topaz, the current BFFL." i smirked and stuck my hand out.

   She took it and said, "Hi Toni it's so good to finally meet you!"

   "Likewise." I then took this as the moment to exit this conversation. I shoved past both of them, making sure to bump shoulders with Cheryl.

   "Bad day?" Heather asks.

   "I'm not sure." Cheryl replied.

No ones pov

~during class after cheryl gave heather the tour. cheryl hasn't seen toni since the lounge~

Cheryls pov

   Why's she being so dry with me? Ugh

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   Why's she being so dry with me? Ugh. This class needs to hurry up, i need to talk to her now.

hi! i started another story but for this one, it'll start off with multiple chapters. so basically by the time you're reading this it'll probably have at least three chapters because my other story i published it one at a time. go read "show me love" as well!!💛

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