The Fight pt3

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Cheryls POV

   I've been home for a few hours now, just sulking around. Toni hurt me but I still don't know why she's been acting the way she's been acting. I don't deserve to be treated this way so I'm going to find out what's going on. I whip out my phone as I sit crisscrossed on the middle of my bed, and immediately begin typing.

And with that, I lock my phone and wait

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And with that, I lock my phone and wait.

Tonis POV


My phone goes off but Cheryl has a different text tone set so i knew it was her. I am currently sitting on the couch of my trailer watching tv but I pause what I'm doing and tend to my phone. Not going to lie, I was shocked she had texted me but I wasn't shocked at how cold the text was. I took a deep breath and contemplated on whether i should respond or not. Of course I went with my gut and responded, locking my phone and getting up right after.

Cheryls POV


   There's Toni's text tone. I knew she'd respond eventually. I unlocked my phone not at all surprised at her response.

   "And now we wait

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   "And now we wait." I say to myself.

   I heard my front door close and heard footsteps coming up the stairs and towards my bedroom. I left the door unlocked a few minutes after Toni had responded to my text. The door creams open slowly and I'm met with a emotionless Toni. I sit up on my bed crisscrossed once again.

   "Sit." I say sternly and pat the spit on the bed in front of me.

   Toni sits down so the her side profile is facing me and her feet are hanging off the bed. "Why did I need to come over so urgently?" she asks not looking at me, but straight ahead towards my closet.

   I don't respond because I'd much rather have her facing and looking at me while I talk to her about this. After about a minute of silence she gets the hint and takes her shoes off, placing them on the floor, and faces me reciprocating my sitting position.

   "What the hell has been going on with you," I pause because my voice started to shake. "you haven't been yourself lately and I'm almost 100% certain it has something to do with me." I whispered the last part.

   She's just looking at me. No words coming out her mouth. Just...looking. "Hello!" I raised my voice and made sure i sounded annoyed yet angry at the same time.

   Still nothing.

   I scoff and roll my eyes before taking a long sigh and crossing my arms, returning her stare.

   She then begins to speak. "Heather."



   I was so confused. I don't understand what is going on.

   "Elaborate Toni..."

   "How-" she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before continuing. "How do you not see what's happening to us Cheryl?"

   "I do! That's exactly why we're having this conversation Toni!"

   "No you don't." she's extremely calm right now and it's kind of freaky. "She's trying to tear us apart. It's like she knows or something."

   "Knows what Toni? Heather is my friend. I'm allowed to have friends outside of you."

   "I know that... and I can't tell you"

   "We're supposed to be best friends, you can tell me anything Toni." I place my hand on her knee but she jerks up off the bed standing up.



   I'm now standing at this point and she turns to grab her things and starts to storm towards my door. I grab her wrist and she snaps her head towards me.

   "Get the hell off me!" she snaps her wrist away but I instantly grab it again. She drops her stuff and uses her other hand to attempt to make me let go.

   I grab her other hand but she keeps trying to get out of my grasp. I'm struggling to keep her contained because she's stronger than me, but I'm doing pretty well. I eventually push her against my door while she's still fighting to get away, pinning her hands up.


   "GET! OFF OF ME!" she breaks down crying. She's actually crying.

   I know something is hurting her. She'd stopped fighting and was just standing there crying, still in my grasp. I let her go and cupped her left cheek with my right hand.


   "Do you know how much it hurts Cheryl? You don't. You don't know how much I hurt all the time."

   I cup both of her cheeks now and try to wipe away most of her tears. " need to tell me. Stop and listen to me." I hug her and she sobs into my shoulder. She's still sobbing when i pull away from her and stare into her eyes. "Just tell me. I want to help you." I was being sincere, I really did want to help her.

   "C-Cheryl. You don't get it."

   "Make me get it then. Tell. Me."

   "I can't"

   "Toni. Tell me."


   "Tell me! Please!"

   "Cheryl stop!"

   "NO TELL ME!"

   Her breath hitches slightly before she instantly responds, "CHERYL I LOVE YOU!"

900 words exactly. 🤭 I don't know why i made this chapter so emotional but I hope you like it.

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