The Fight pt2

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Cheryls POV

'I'll see you at lunch' she said.. but did she? NO. I really don't know what's wrong with her. Heather's arrival couldn't have triggered it? No. Could it? Whatever. I'm tired of her attitude and I haven't even really seen her today. As I'm strutting, per uge, down the halls of Riverdale High making my way to my last period, I feel a hand on my arm. No one would dare to touch me unless it was Toni. I instantly reacted to the touch expecting to see her when I turned around but it wasn't. It was Heather.

   "Cheryl! Hey!" she was excited.

   "Hey," I sighed hoping that it indeed was Toni when I turned around even though I wasn't accepting her attitude "What's up?"

   "Do you want to go to-" after that I kinda tuned her out because I saw her. It hasn't even been a day and I miss my bestfriend. She started walking in Heather and I's direction. "-and then go back to Thistlehouse?" Toni just kept walking by like i was invisible after hearing Heathers last words. Before she could fully pass her she made sure she gave her the side eye and bumped into her shoulder.

   "Sorry Hailey, didn't see you." she sounded so cold.

   "It's Heather!" Heather may have thought she sounded confident but knowing her, she was very nervous seeing Toni and all the other serpents walking by.

   "Sorry Heather, I gotta go. Usually Toni and I hang out after school but I will definitely reschedule." I gave her a big hug and hit the jets, speed walking, not running... I will not run after anyone... trying to catch Toni.

   I got outside and I saw her saying goodbye to all her friends. Maybe she didn't forget we were supposed to hang out today if she's not going with them. I was wrong. She hopped on her bike, getting ready to start it. What the hell is going on? Immediately, I find myself marching towards her now filled with a bubbling anger, just waiting to spill out of the kettle.

   "What the hell are you doing?!"

   "Cheryl?" sarcasm. I sense so so much sarcasm in her tone but I'm too angry to reply to that. "What ever could be wrong?" she adds, dramatically placing her hand over her heart.

   "Get the fuck off the bike Antoinette." I tried to remain as calm as possible. I saw her go soft for a split second, searching my eyes almost as if she was looking for something.

   "You don't get to talk to me like that Blossom"

   "What are you doing? Why are you doing this? You've been a bitch all day!"

   "I most definitely haven't been a bitch all day. I know your family is messed up but i wouldn't expect that to mess with your ability to process MY emotions..." regret. I saw it on her face the minute she said it.

   My heart sunk. She actually just said that.

   "Wow. I've known you for a while Toni, and even you wouldn't stoop down to that level... Fuck you." I turned around and walked away to my car with tears welling and threatening to spill. The second I got into my car, I drove off crying.

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