The best of friends pt 2 of 3

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   practice ended about an hour and a half ago and i am currently sitting on my bed in an oversized t-shirt and shorts, with my wet red locks down since i had just gotten out the shower. as i am leaning against the headboard scrolling through social media, i get a text from toni.

 as i am leaning against the headboard scrolling through social media, i get a text from toni

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   great she's actually going. one part of me is happy that she thought about me but the other part of me is envious that she's going to katie's house. i know she will be coming over to my house after the fact to tell me all about it. if we're being honest, i don't want to hear anything about it. why can't she just come over and fu-



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   what the hell.. she loves when i check in. it's what we do. and to top it all off she's finishing her sentences with periods, and using 'lol', which she only does when she's mad or upset. maybe i should just go see her instead of sticking with my original plans.



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