Toxic pt1

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   "yeah we'll take another round." i giggle as i tell the bartender. i'm currently at a club with veronica and we're sitting facing each other on the stools.

   as our laughter died down, "so toni, you and cheryl huh?" she smirked nudging my shoulder.

   "oh uh-" i avoid eye contact. let me tell you, cheryl and i, yeah we aren't a thing. if you look at it this way, i'm more of her thing. she's super intimidating and sometimes scary. i shouldn't even be here at this bar with veronica because if she catches me i'll be in a lot of trouble... like A LOT.

   "hey are you okay?" she touches my shoulder causing me to look at her, but i actually look beyond her after seeing that familiar flaming red hair.

   "yeah, sorry.." i say keeping eye contact with cheryl who's sitting a few stools away. i look back at veronica and continue even though i feel cheryl's eyes burning. "do you want to get out of here and maybe... go to get some food" i whispered the last part so cheryl couldn't hear even though i'm pretty sure the music was too loud.

   "yeah let's get out of here girl" she responded and we both grabbed our bags.


   "yeah let's get out of here girl" veronica said.

   what the hell does toni think she's doing? there's no way in hell she's 1) here without me knowing and 2) leaving going god knows where with veronica.

   i got up a few moments after they had and got into my car following them. a few minutes later i arrive at pops and i see them sitting in a booth... OUR BOOTH. i stay in my car after turning it off just watching to see what might go down.

   so far so goo- what the fuck! veronica was getting a little too handsy for my liking so i shut off my car and marched right into the building. not wanting to make a scene and make anyone concerned i calmly walked over to their booth.

   "well, well, well! what a surprise seeing you ladies here." i said calmly, hands on my hips, and a smile on my face.



i knew she would follow us here. i'm in deep shit.

   "oh hey cheryl, it's nice to see you." i say. she looked down at the table seeing veronicas hand on top of mine then looked back at me with fury raging in her eyes causing me to pull my hand away.

   "hey cher." veronica greeted.

   "i just came to pick up toni but it seems you...forgot...that i was coming." she said the last part through gritted teeth.

   i didn't want to be in anymore trouble than i already am so i went along with it. "oh yeah, i totally forgot. sorry veronica, i'll see you later?"

   "of course, bye!" she said standing up and giving me a hug.

   we walked to the car and got in. cheryl immediately started driving without saying a word. i definitely wasn't going to say anything. the whole car ride was silent until we pulled up to thistle house.

   "get out and meet me upstairs" she said coldly getting out the car.


   i'd been sitting on cheryl's bed for a few minutes since when i first came up here, she was already in the shower. i was thinking about a lot of things when i was snapped out of my thoughts by the feeling of weight on my lap. i sat against the headboard as cheryl sat on my lap, staring down at me. we stayed like this for 3 minutes when she finally spoke up.

   "lay down." she commanded

   "w-what?" i was honestly confused.

   "i said lay. down." her eyes went dark and i had no other choice but to lay down.

   "cher-" i instantly got cut off when she gently but roughly brought both my arms above my head, holding both wrists in her left hand while cupping my cheek with the other.

   "no talking." she said as she started to lean in. our lips brushed together but before i could close the gap she pulled away.

   "what possessed you to do what you did today toni?"

   "i don't know.." i mumbled

   "what did i tell you about mumbling when speaking to me hm?" i looked away but she grabbed my jaw. "look at me."

   i stayed silent. i know this is bad but i'm turned on right now. don't blame me, blame the shots i did earlier.

   she brought her right hand to the back of my neck and met me half way with a hungry kiss. the kiss was getting heated and she loosened her grip, slightly, on my wrists. i brought my hands down to touch her but she broke the kiss and brought them back up immediately.

   "no touching." she said seriously but still somewhat smirking.

   we were face to face, staring into each-others eyes when her left hand snaked to the front of my neck, lightly squeezing causing me to moan, and her right hand made its way down my front to where i needed her the most.


cliffhanger :( i'm sorry but i had to do it. this is kinda short but i have other ideas for this one shot series that i want to add in here. 900 words exactly!! enjoy

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