You're the only one for me pt.1

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*there will be a point in the story where i say to start playing the music, so make sure you scroll back up and play it as you read🥺*


*at school*

   Cheryl was at her locker in between classes when i approached her. It was right before last period and the bell would ring in a few minutes.

   "hey babe." i go for a kiss on her cheek and she slightly averts her head but i still manage to kiss her.

   "um... okay. well i came to tell you that i'm not going to be able to come over until around 11 because of work. you know they love giving us extra hours friday's." i say.

   "extra hours on monday's too i bet..." she mumbles.


   "nothing, T. i guess i'll see you later." she says annoyed while roughly shutting her locker. she starts to walk away but stops when i speak.

   "babe, are you okay?"

   "mhm." she responds turning around then continuing onto last period.

*time skip 10 pm*


   i know i've been short with toni lately, but i have a reason. she doesn't know this but i know about her and veronica's little kiss on monday. veronica's been going through a lot lately and her and toni have gotten very close, but that doesn't give toni the right to cheat on me. i've been sitting in my room, on my bed thinking for a while. maybe it was an innocent kiss, in the moment. maybe toni fell for her. maybe she doesn't want me anymore. i mean, we haven't even said 'i love you' yet. i decided to get up and get some air. as i was sitting on my porch waiting for toni, it started pouring rain. i was wearing shorts and one of tonis over sized t-shirts she usually wore as pajamas. i was getting soaked because i sat on the stairs instead of the chair under shelter, but i didn't care. i was pulled out of my thought and hen i heard her motorcycle pull into the driveway.


   "cheryl?! what the hell are you doing? it's pouring rain and you're soaked!" i yelled over the sound of the rain, hopping off my bike and making my easy over to her.

   "what do you care..." she scoffed turning her head trying to avert my gaze.

   i reaches the stairs and grabbed her arm, lifting her to standing. i was on the step lower than hers so i stepped up next to her, turning her body so she was facing me. i started to get soaked too because i was wearing my serpent jacket with a crop too and jeans.


   "cheryl... what's been going on?" i say holding her hands. "why have you been acting so different?" she pulls out of my grip and starts to walk down the stairs, towards her car, but turns around abruptly.

   "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS TONI!" she was crying hysterically. shit. "when were you going to tell me?" pause.. "huh?!"

   "babe, what are you talking about?" i start making my way over to her.

   "i know about you and veronica."

   i stopped once i made it in front of her. "what?"

   "wHaT?¿ you heard me! i know about the kiss" she wasn't holding back any tears. even with the rain hitting us, i saw the hurt in her eyes.


   "no. there's no babe. you cheated on me."

"i swear it didn't mean anything"

"don't lie to me. i can't do this right now" she turns around but i grab her wrist.

" cheryl, i LOVE you. don't do this"



"YOU CANT JUST S-SAY YOU L-LOVE ME AND EXPECT M-M-ME TO FORGET" she started hyperventilating so i went to pull her into a hug and she tried to resist it.

"no toni! don't touch me! GET OFF!" she screamed, sobbing, still trying to fight me off, but i continued to hold her.

"cheryl stop and calm down"

"GET. OFF. OF. ME!" she screamed, not fighting my embrace anymore. we just stood there. rain hitting the ground around us. slight sounds of thunder rumbling. cheryl crying into my shoulder as i held on for dear life, like she would float away at any moment.

"i meant it."

no response...

"i do love you cheryl. i only want you. veronica was a mistake. it all happened so fast. YOU'RE the only one for me!" i reassured her.

she sniffled a few times then pulled away, walking up the stairs to the front door. "we're drenched, get in" she says emotionless and cold.

we end up in her room. we had changed clothes after our separate showers and we were now sitting on her bed. she hasn't acknowledged me once since we've been inside. she's trying to put her walls up again and that's not happening again. we were sitting next to each other against her headboard crisscrossed when i shifted to sit directly in front of her, with her immediately looking anywhere but at me. this broke. my. fucking. heart. i tried not to cry because she has every right to be mad at me but i couldn't take it. silent tears started streaming down my flushed cheeks.

"please don't shut me out." i paused trying not to have any evidence in my voice that i was crying. "you're the only good thing i have going for me cheryl. i need you." she still wasn't looking at me.

i let out a shaky sigh which then causes my tears to spill heavier. "just look at me cher." i don't want her to see how vulnerable i am right now but i haven't seen her beautiful chocolate orbs for hours. they always seem to take me in.

a few minutes pass and she still doesn't look at me. at this point i am completely torn. i stand up off the bed and start to get my stuff together. as i reach for my bag near her mirror i see the love letters i wrote for her a while back, tapped at the base. this does it. i drop all my stuff to the ground and start bawling. i walk back over to the bed and sit down at the foot, with my head in my hands. cheryl snaps her head in my direction and immediate crawls over and pulls me into her embrace. she's never seen me cry before.

"toni stop." she insists resting her head on mine, pulling me in closer. i continue to cry.

"i'm so sorry." i whisper.

a few minutes pass and i've calmed down. i pull away and look into cheryl's eyes for the first time i. hours, our faces inches apart, both our breaths hitting each other's lips. i stare into her chocolate orbs and see pain. she doesn't like to see me upset and neither do i.

unexpectedly, she gently cups my cheeks. " i love you too tt."

i slowly lean in and close the small gap that was keeping us apart.

and... cliffhanger. this is my longest chapter i believe so i hope it's good. i'm a really slow updater but with this quarantine i should be able to get some more stuff out. i've never written smut before BUT i'm thinking about it for the second part to this. i don't know if i'm going to do toxic pt2, pt2 to this, or do a short cute choni moment. anyway, i hope you enjoy this!!

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