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Four dreadful hours later she was in California looking up at Puck's apartment building. It was nearing midnight and she prayed that he was home and not out partying. The blonde didn't know what she was more scared about, telling Puck about Beth or seeing the man who broke her heart again.

Before she knew it she was knocking on the door of his apartment. He opened the door with a swing, Quinn gathered immediately that he had been drinking. Although seeing the blonde or his doorstep immediately sobered him up.



'W-What are you doing here?' He asked. They both walked into the apartment and sat on the couch. It was silent for an uncomfortable amount of time. Quinn didn't know what to say. Did she come right out and say it? did she make small talk? Did she asked if he was dating anyone (she really hoped not)

'It's Beth.' She eventually said.

'Is she okay?'

'She's fine. It's Shelby, they didn't tell me how but shes dead.' Her voice was becoming weaker by the second. 'She wanted me-us to reverse the adoption if something were to happen to her.'

Puck blinked a few times, his jaw was dropped. He briefly shook his head before speaking 'What did you say?'

'I said that I needed to ask you first and that I'd let them know in the morning.' She replied.

'So, what do you want to do?

'I can't give her up again Puck. It hurt like hell the last time. I can't do that again.' She sobbed, breaking down all of her walls. 'I don't think I'd be able to survive if I gave her up again.'

'Me neither.' He said, his words forcing her to look at him. His eyes were welling with tears. 'So, are we doing this?'

'Raising a child is a big deal Puck, We need to do this together and I'm in Lima-'

'Lima? What happened to Yale?'

'My mom got sick and I hated Yale.' She explained.

'If I had known...' He trailed off. Quinn wondered what he was going to say. That he would have came back? Got back together? Her mindless wondering was cut off by his voice. 'I'll move back to Lima.'

'That's not necessary. I can look after Beth on my own.'

'No. I want - I need to do this. Remember what we always said, we're in this together.'

'That was a long time ago Puck.'

'Q' he said slowly. 'You and I are going raise Beth. Maybe this is fate, you and I were always meant to be that little girls parents.'

'Okay.' She said lowly. 'You move in with me, I'll turn my spare room into Beth's bedroom.'

'We're really doing this?' Puck asked grinning. She smiled back. All of the memories of why she loved him came rushing back.

'We are!'

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