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I don't know how to tell you this.'

'Just say it Puck. Your scaring me.'

'It's your dad.'

'That isn't funny Puckerman.' Quinn replied not wanting to believe it. She looked at Puck hoping he would show a sign if him joking. He was serious.

'What does he want?' She asked frantically.

'Blood?' Puck teased trying to make light of the situation.

Quinn put her hand on the door knob and twisting it. 'What do you want?' She asked before the door was fully opened. Puck intertwined their fingers to let Quinn know he was there for her.

'That is no way to speak to your father.'

She scofed. 'You gave the right to be my father when you kicked me out of my house when I was sixteen.'

Russel walked into the apartment and stopped at photograph of Quinn, Puck and Beth from a few weeks ago at the park. It was of the two parents kissing Beth on the cheeks while Beth grinned brightly.

'Don't look at her. She has nothing to do with you, she doesn't even know you exist.' Quinn said.

'You reversed the adoption?'

'I did.' She said. 'We did.'

Russel scoffed. 'You're still with the jew?'

'Yes I am. He's a hundred times better at you were. At being a dad and a man.'


'Don't call me that. My name is Quinn.' She said sternly. Five years ago she would never speak to her father like that but he isn't her father anymore.

'Don't you remember what what I told you when your bastard baby was born?' He asked. His tone was patronising. Puck shot the blonde a questioning look, as far as he knew her dad wasn't there for Beth's birth.

'You need to leave. I'll call the cops.' She said. 'I'm twenty. You have no hold on me anymore. I never want to see you again.'

'I'll go.' He said holding his hands up in defeat. He turned to Puck. 'Shes been lying to you for four years.' And with that he was gone with a slam of the door.

Puck didn't say anything he just hugged Quinn. He didn't want to press whatever Russel was talking about. All he cared about right now was making Quinn feel better.

'I need to tell you something.' She said looking up at Puck.

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