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The ride from her house to the hospital is a blur. She can barely remember leaving Beth with her mother because she didnt want her little girl to see this. She rushed through the hospital to the section Ruth told her he was being treated in. She saw Ruth and Sara sitting in the waiting room. 'Where is he? Is he okay? What happened?' She asked frantically her voice going 60 miles an hour.

Ruth looked at the blonde an embraced. She broke down in her arms. He couldn't die. Once Quin had calmed down Ruth explained what had happened.

'He was on his was home from work. He had stopped by the 711. He was nearly home, about half a mile away when a drunk drive had drove a red light and crashed into the side of Noah's truck. The car had flipped several times and nestly caught fire. A passer buyer had seen the crash and called 911 luckily the ambulance got there in time.'

The blonde stared ahead and blinked. 'Half a mile away.' 'Drunk driver.' 'Flipped.' 'Fire,' Is all the words thatprocedess in her mind.

'Is he going to-.'

'They don't know sweetie.'

'I need to see him. I need to tell him that I love him.' She sobbed. 'Can I see him?'

The older woman nodded.

She opened the door the room he was in. Nurses were surrounding him checking his blood pressure and his heart beat. He was bruised badly. The purple bruises painting his skin. There were remnants of dry blood around his deep cuts. The blonde I haled a sharp breath when she saw him. She wished she had begged him to stay home, or if he had left work five minutes earlier. She wished it was her in his place. She sat next to him and the nurses left the room offering her a reassuring smile. 'Puck it's me Quinn. I need you to wake up and be okay. I need you. If you can hear me squeeze my hand, show me that your okay.' Nothing. 'Please' She sobbed , checking on her words.


'Quinn.' A voice said gently.

'Santana?' Quinn said. She glanced at the clock, she had been sitting here for over 5 hours, no one had the guts to talk to her.

'Ruth called everyone.' The latina said sitting next to the blonde. 'He's going to be okay, you know?'

'How do you know?'

'Because your here.' She returned. 'When you had your accident in senior year Puck stayed at the hospital every day and every night because he wanted to be there when you woke up. The doctors were telIing him that it could be months that you were in the coma but he still stayed every day without fail. He spoke to you, sang to you, hell he even brushed your hair because he knew you'd want to look presentable in your coma.' The blonde let out a small laugh. 'My point being, you and Puck can help each other through anything, this time won't be any different.'

'We're back together.' Quinn said lowly.

'Since when?'

'Yesterday.' She replied. 'I just love him so much.'

'I know.' She replied taking the blonde into her arms and letting her sob.


'Visiting hours are over sweetie.' Ruth said kindly.

'Come on Q. You need to get home.' Santana said. Everyone else had went home.

'I need to stay here. He stayed with me, I need to be here when he wakes up.'

'You will be. Tomorrow. He isn't going to wake up anytime soon.' The latina said. Quinn was grateful that Santana never sugar coated anything and said it how it was.

'I can't leave.'

'What about Beth? She has no clue what is going on. You need to be with her now more than ever.' She said knowing that pulling the 'Beth card.' Would work.

'Good move.' The blonde said standing up.

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