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Quinn and Beth are watching Disney cartoons awaiting Puck to get home from work.

There was a knock on the door and Quinn got up to answer it. It wasn't Puck, it was Santana.

'Why didn't you tell me you and Puckerman were back together?' Santana exclaimed.

'Okay lower your voice, I don't want Beth to hear you. And we're not back together.'

'Are you over him?'

'Why is everybody so invested in our relationship? Nothing is happening between us and nothing is going to.'

'We'll see.' The Latina said. 'You still love him and he still loves you.'

'You haven't seen us together for over a year.'

'I may not have seen you together but I've seen you apart and your not the same without each other.'

'Don't be so dramatic S.' The blonde rolled her eyes. 'We have bigger things to worry about.'

Before the girls could finish their conversation Puck came home from work.

'Hey.' Puck said seeing Quinn and kissing her on the cheek. It had become a habit in the two months that they've lived together. 'You okay?'

'Fine.' Quinn replied with a smile.

'Sup Satan.' He said to Santana before sitting next to Beth and watching the movie with her. The blonde watched how Beth lit up when she saw him and immediately leant into him. Quinn smiled but it quickly went away when Santana had her 'I told you so' face on.

'Don't.' Quinn said, knowing Santana was going to question the interaction.

'I don't think I have too.' She replied. 'Where is my favourite niece?' The Latina asked strutting towards the little blonde.

Quinn walked into the kitchen which looked onto the living room and after Santana began to play with Beth Puck stood up and walked to the blonde.

'What was that about?'

'You know, Santana being Santana.'

'Are you sure your okay?'

'I'm fine.'

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