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A month later it was a small glee club reunion. It was going to be the first time that Quinn and Puck had seen half of the club since graduation. They were also all going to meet Beth. Finn and Rachel had insisted on babysitting Beth so that Quinn and Puck didn't have to worry about her. Quinn got dressed in a light pink dress with white flats.

'Q, Finn, Rachel and Santana are here. Are you ready yet?' Puck called out.

'Give me one second.' Quinn said putting her earrings in and then walked out of them room. 'Let's go.'

Puck could have sworn that Quinn was an angel put on this earth. 'Put your tongue back in your mouth Puckerman.' Santana said rolling her eyes.

The group walked to Artie's house as he was hosting the reunion.


Once the party was over Beth went home with Finn and Rachel while Puck and Quinn took a slow route home. 'I've missed this place.' Quinn said.

'Didn't you come back like two months before I did?'

'Yes but it wasn't the same without you here.'

'Nothing has been the same without you.' Puck said.

They reached the apartment and both sat on the couch talking about memories from high school. 'Do you remember when Berry and Finn made us lose nationals in junior year?' Quinn asked.

'I just remember you pulling me into the closest bathroom.' Puck smirked. The blonde blushed, she remembered seeing Puck in his nationals outfit and just needing him. The plane ride home was awkward.

'I've really missed you.' Quinn blurted out. She didn't know where her sudden honesty came from but she wanted to tell him the truth.

'I've missed you too.' He said lowly. 'If you ever tell anyone this deny it, becuase I've still have my rep to protect.' Puck began mocking Quinn from when they first hooked up. 'What I did to you on the bleachers was the biggest mistake of my life.'

'Let's forget it. I'm totally over it.'

'Quinn.' He said lowly.

Before either of them could stop themselves their lips inched closer and closer together. 'We shouldn't do this.' The blonde said slowly. She wasn't telling Puck, she was telling herself. She had tried to tell herself that she didn't want him but she did, in every conceivable way. It was her who connected their lips. It was her who moved to straddle him and shes the one who asked him to take her into the bedroom.

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