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Before the pair boarded the plain Quinn called Justine green.

'Hi Justine it's Quinn Fabray calling about Beth Cochran.'

'I've been expecting your call, so what is your decision?'

Quinn bit her lip and a small smile appeared on her lips. 'I've discussed with Beth's father and we have decided to reverse the adoption and take Beth into our care.'

'Great. Can you and Beth's father meet me in New York at 3 PM later today.'


It was 2 am in California time so they're were set to arrive in Lima at 6 am Pacific standard time which was 9 am Easten standard time. The two had planned to get toys and other child things for Beth's arrival and they were getting another plane to NYC to finally be reunited with their baby girl.

'Everything okay?'

'Yeah.' She replied getting out her boarding pass.


They had both planned to sleep on the plane. However neither of them could keep their eyes shut for longer than 30 seconds, nerves and excitement corsed through their veins.

'Do you think Rachel knows about Shelby?' Puck asked.

'I don't know.' She replied. She and Rachel had grown to be very close after her move back to Lima. Rachel and Finn lived a few blocks away from the blondes apartment. 'Are you upset about it?'

'About Shelby? I guess.'

'I thought you really liked her? I mean you slept together.'

He stifled a laugh. 'That was to make you jealous.'

'Well, it worked.' Quinn said and then quickly regretted it. She was just glad that she didn't let him know that she cried a river when he left her house after he told her. He looked at her sideways. 'We dated for the rest of senior year, remember?'

How could he forget? They spent nearly every waking minutes together. But the thing that still haunts him is they way he broke up with her. At the time it felt like the right thing to do but he has regretted every since.


Once the plane landed in Lima, Ohio the two took a taxi back to the blondes apartment. Quinn had took all of the stuff that could be a hazard to a four year old and hid it.

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