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'Daddy?' Beth asked the following morning. Both Santana and Quinn froze. Santana had offered to stay at the apartment so that Quinn didn't feel alone.

'Daddy got hurt.' Quinn said sitting next to the little girl. 'He's going to be okay. He's staying strong for his little monkey face.'

'Can I see him?' Beth asked. The blonde exchanged a look with the Latina. She nodded.

'Daddy doesn't want you to see him like that. So you can see him when he's better. But mommy will see him and tell him how much you miss him and that you need him to be better.'

Beth nodded. 'I want daddy to be okay.'

'Me too.' Quinn said placing a kiss on her forehead.

'Go.' Santana said. 'I'll watch the little gremlin. You go make sure your man is okay.'

'Don't call my daughter a gremlin.' Quinn said sliding on her shoes.

'She loves it.' She sneered.


'Any change?' Quinn asked the nurse while signing the visitors list.

'No. But no change is better than a bad change. He's stable. If he keeps up his recovery, he'll be fine.'

'Thank you.' She said kindly. She walked into the room and sat next to him once more. 'Hi.'

'Beth misses you like crazy. She slept in the bed with me last night because she missed you. She keeps asking about you and she needs you to get better. So do I.' She expects a reaction but she doesn't get one. 'I need you, Beth, Sara, your mom, Rachel Finn, need you too.' She said tearing up. 'Please wake up. Don't leave me.'

He moved. She could have sworn that he moved. His thumb grazed over her hand, which was something he always did to comfort her.

Her eyes widened. 'Puck, did you just do that? Puck, baby if you just moved, do I again.'

She felt it that time. She jumped up and pulled in the nearest doctor. His heart monitor started beeping loudly as the doctors surrounded him.

'Where's Quinn?' His muffled voice asked.

'What is your name?' One of the doctors asked to make sure they're was no memory loss

'Noah Puckerman.' He replied with a groan.

'How old are you?'

'Twenty.' He replied. 'Quinn.' He said again trying to search the room for her.

'Who is Quinn?'

'My Soulmate.' He said.

'Everything looks good.' The doctor said. 'You two catch up and I'll send a nurse in in ten minutes to check everything.'

All of the doctors left the room leaving Quinn and Puck alone. She walked over to him with tears clouding her vision. He was awake. He was alive.

Quinn practically lunged towards him and hugged him. 'I love you so much.' She said into this neck.

'I love you too.' He replied. 'Wheres Beth?'

'Shes with Santana. She misses you.'

'I heard.' He said. 'I couldn't say anything back.' He replied.

'I'm sorry.' She said. She didn't know what she was apologising for but she needed him to know she was sorry for everything.

'Its not your fault.' He said lowly. He kissed her passionately.

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