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Puck put on a brave face infront of Quinn. He knew he had to be strong for her but inside he was terrified. His chances of being a dad had been ripped away from him twice, the third time had to be the charm. His life had turned upside down in a matter of seconds but in his mind it was for the better. He, Quinn and Beth had the chance to be an actual family , something that he had wanted for the past 5 years. But naturally this came with the same worries that he had five years ago. How he might turn out just like his dad. What if he's a terrible father? What if Beth hates him? He tried to shake his head to rid the thought but it was no use. He was meant to be packing to start his new life but his thoughts were getting the better of him.

'Puck our flight is in an hour.' The blonde said leaning against the door frame. 'You okay?'

'Fine, just trying to fit all of my stuff into the case.' He lied, well it wasn't really a lie. He was struggling. The blonde smiled slightly and helped him pack. He sat on the corner of the bed looking at his palms.

'You're not going to turn out like your father.' Quinn said breaking the silence.

'How do you know Q?'

'Becuase I know you.' She said not looking away from the suitcase. 'I'm scared too.'

'We can do anything as long as we do it together right? With your brains and my brawn, we can take over the world.' Puck said. It's what they used to say when they lived together. It would be at night when Quinn's worry for life after the aby usually heightened. Puck always made her feel better by using that phrase. It still worked today.

'You're right.' Quinn said zipping up the suitcase. 'Ready?'

'Yeah.' Puck nodded and she began to walk out the room but Puck's hand pulled her back, it was the first time they had touched in over a year, The feeling of his touch sent electricity down her spine.

'I'm really sorry for what happened at the graduation party.'

She winced at the mention of that night. She often thought about that night. 'Dont sweat it.' She replied. 'Let's forget everything about the past.'

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