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Puck had just finished putting Beth to bed. It's been a week since they hooked and there was no progress in their relationship. Quinn had showered straight away after reading Beth her story while Puck tidied the living room. Once the blonde had finished she went into bed and began to read her book. She read for a few minutes before Puck came into the bedroom. The blonde immediately put her book down and switched off her lamp.

Puck walked over to lamp and turned it back on again. 'We need to talk.' He said walking around the bed and climbing into his side.

'We can't. Beth might hear. I don't want her to be confused about whatever this is.'

'Beth is fast asleep.' He said. 'And what is this Q? Becuase I sure as hell am confused about it. We hooked up and you've avoided me.'

Quinn took a deep breath. 'I'm sorry, it's just I-'

'Can't trust me?' He replied.

She nodded. Well that and something she had been hiding from him for over four years. 'I know that thought it was for the best but it broke me.'

'You know that's never what I've planned to do.' He said. 'Knowing that I've hurt you breaks me.'

'I know.'

'I worked my ass off to get over you but as soon as you showed up on my front door, it felt like we were in high school again.'

'If we do this, Beth can't know, at least not yet.' Quinn said. Puck smiled and leant into the blonde. Before they could kiss their door swung open.

'Can I sleep in the bed with you? I had a nightmare.' Beth said quietly holding her teddy.

'Come in baby.' Quinn said and the little girl came rushing on to the bed.

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