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Quinn opened her apartment door. She was nervous. She knew that Puck was going to be home.

'Hey.' Quinn said lowly. He was standing in the kitchen.

'Hey?' Puck asked. 'You disappeared and all I got was a note. We've always said that whatever happens between us won't effect Beth.'

'I know.' She said lowly wandering over to the kitchen. 'I always do this, I convince myself that it's never going to work out and I run away from my feelings. The other night when Beth came in the room, I convinced myself that It was a sign. That the universe was trying to tell me something.'

'It was a nightmare Q.' Puck said. The whole time Quinn was talking he was looking anywhere but her. She leant against one of the counters opposite him.

'I don't want to hide from my feelings anymore.' He looked at her for the first time. Her tears where glazed over with tears. They were happy tears. Happy that she was finally letting herself be happy. 'I love you. '

He was silent. That is what Quinn was afraid of, him not living her back. The silence was killing her.

'Please say something.' Her voice was low and husky, like she was holding back her tears.

He didn't say anything. He just closed the space between them and kissed her. One they pulled away he spoke. 'I love you too.' Quinn smiled brightly and reattached their lips. The two smiled into the kissed. He lifted her into the counter and she wrapped her legs around him desperately wanting him to be closer to her. For a moment, just a moment everything was perfect. What happened next ruined the perfection.

The doorbell rang, which is innocent enough in it self. 'Leave it.' Quinn said kissing him again. Then it rang again and again.

Puck placed a final pecking the blondes lips before turning around and walking to the door. He looked through the peep hole and was horrified by what he saw. 'Q.'

'What?' The asked jumping down from the counter.

'I don't know how to tell you this.'

'Just say it Puck. Your scaring me.'

'It's your dad.'

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