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It's been two weeks. 14 days since Shelby died, 14 days since Quinn showed up on Pucks doorstep and 14 days since they got their little girl back. They'd be lying if they said it was easy but they expecting things to be hard. Beth was enrolled in school. Puck was working in Burts tire shop and Quinn took a few extra shifts in the diner. It was dysfunctional but is things have never been perfect with Puck and Quinn, has it?

Rache had insisted on Quinn and Puck coming over for dinner with Beth, becuase technically Rachel was Beth's half sister for a while. Once they arrived and ate dinner Quinn was helping with cleaning up while Finn and Puck played with Beth outside, the kitchen looked directly into the backyard.

'How's Noah handling Beth?'

'Hes great with her. I definitely wouldn't be able to do this without him.' She said looking at Puck through the window.

'Any developments in the romance portion of raising a child together?'

'No!' Quinn exclaimed. 'We've agreed to not let messy feelings get in the way. We're not teenagers. We have responsibilities.'

'You are so full of shit.' Rachel said. 'You're just scared that he'll hurt you again.'

'So what if I am?' Quinn said. 'I can't get hurt like that again. Not now.'

'You know he did that for you.'

'I can make my own decisions. I can't fall for him again.' She finished cleaning a plate and began to walk towards the door to the garden.

'You still love him, don't you'?' The brunette asked. Her voice stopping Quinn in her tracks. She took a deep breath before pushing open the door and walking away.



Finn was pushing Beth on the swing and Puck was leaning up against the pole of the set.

'Who would've thought that You and Quinn would be raising Beth together?' Finn said. 'How are things between you?'

'Fine. She pretends like she's over what happened at graduation but I know she isn't.' Puck said. 'I messed up.'

'You did.' He confirmed. 'But you did it because you loved her right.'

'Yeah.' Puck said lowly.

'Holy crap.' Finn said wide eyed. 'You still love her don't you?'

'Do you breath?' Puck said lowly.

As if on cue Quinn walked towards them. 'Ready to go?' She asked.

'Y-yeah.' Puck stuttered. 'Come on Monkeyface.' He said lifting the little girl out of the swing.

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