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3pm Eastern Standered time soon came around. The two were in the waiting area waiting to pick up their daughter. The paper work had been signed and they were legally the little girls parents again.

'We are ready to reunite you with your daughter.' Justine said. The two stood up and Puck began to follow the woman but the blonde couldn't get her feet to move. Her breathing hitched and her heart beat got faster and the loud thump echoed in her ear. The blonde drained from her face and her hand were clammy. The sound of her blood circulating through her body blocked her ears, she could hear a thing.

'Q?' She heard a muffled version of Pucks voice. 'Are you okay? He took a step towards the blonde. He knew she had gone into panic mode. She was looking down at her shaky hands. He put one hand on her shaky hands an used the other to angle her chin to look at him. Tears were welling in her eyes. 'We can do this.'

That was it, 4 words strung together, he kind eyes and the felling of his touch was enough to make her feel better. She nodded and walked to where justine was standing.

'Beth, this is your mom and dad,' Justine said. Granted the four year probably had no idea what was going on. The woman walked deeper inside of the room and before the couple followed her, Puck took the blondes hand and they walked in together.

There she was , their beautiful perfect little girl playing with Barbie's dream house. The little girl turned to see her parents. She recognised them from the photos she had seen but didn't know who they were.

'Hi.' The little girl said timidly. She was a clone of Quinn, she had long blonde curly hair and big hazel eyes. However she also had Puck's smile.

'Hey baby girl. I'm your mom.' Quinn letting go of Pucks hand and kneeling to the little girls height.

'What about my mommy?' Beth asked.

'She was looking after you for a while but shes gone now.' Justine said, the two parents figured that it was what they said to kids.


'Shes in a better place.'

'Are you my daddy?' The girl asked looking at Puck. The little girl calling him dad made his heart swell.

'I am.' He said now also kneeling next to Quinn.

'You have funny hair.' Beth teased. 'I look like you.' The little blonde said to Quinn.

'You do.' Quinn smiled. 'But you're prettier.'

'Really?' The girls face light up. 'I'm going to live with you now?' Quinn nodded. 'And daddy?'

'Yeah.' Quinn smiled. 'Our family.'


'I'm exhausted.' Quinn concluded as she sat on the couch. They had just got Beth to sleep, it took two books and a song but they finally got the four year old to sleep, she said she found it hard to sleep somewhere knew on the first night, Quinn also did.

'It's been a long day.' Puck said.

'This is crazy. We have a kid, we now live together.'

'I wouldn't have it any other way.' Puck said softly, he really meant it.

'I can't believe you just moved back to lima from california, did you not have a girlfriend keeping you there?'

Puck laughed. 'Nope. I haven't dated since high school. I only moved to California to keep myself busy while you were in New Haven. No girlfriends or hookups.'

'Me neither.' She smiled, she was glad that Puck hadn't dated anyome since her. The two looked at each other for a few seconds but Quinn reluctantly tore her eyes away from him. She couldn't do this, they weren't in high school anymore. They have a child. They can't ruin it with their messy feelings. They had to be okay with only being friends and co parents. 'We should go to bed.'

'How is that going to work?' Puck asked. Shit. Quinn hadn't thought of that. They were adults. They could sleep in the same bed together without jumping each other.

'Looks like you sleeping in the bed with me Puckerman. Don't get any ideas.'

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