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Prem jumped unto his younger brother as he saw Phuwin who just arrived sat on the couch, the nong whined pushing away his elder brother who looks like a leech clinging to him.

"You give it right?" asked Prem and the nong nodded making Prem to shake his shoulder making Phuwin to cried for help. The elder stood up as he grabbed the tissue on the table as he sneeze covering his nose wiping it, he sighed as he grabbed the mirror frowning after seeing his pale face and red nose, he looks like Rudolph. The knock was heard again making Phuwin to ran towards the door opening it.


"Sawadee Phi," The boy with a milk skin waiid as he entered the door, Prem greeted him back as he sat back on the couch.

"Your ice cream." said Neo as he handed it to Phuwin, the latter take it as he smiled at milky skin boy.

"Let's eat together, hia can't he has cold." said Phuwin dragging Neo to the kitchen making Prem to peek at them while still sitting on the sofa, he can't just think that these two were still friends. Prem sneezed once again as he coughed making him to get the tissue again, he dumped himself on the couch as he tear the tissue and put it in his nose blocking. He closed his eyes as he hugged the pillow.

As Boun reached their house he dumped himself on the sofa as he turned on the TV. His brows raised as he saw the movie, it is about unrequited love and he turned it off cause he hates drama. He leaned his back and stretches his arms as he closed his eyes, today the nong didn't showed up aside from the morning, he didn't came to see him in the faculty.

"P', dad said to meet him upstairs." said Plan as he drinks his water and went back to the kitchen. His eyes automatically looked at the door as it opened wide, Boun knew who it is already.

"Come," said Ohm as he leaded the two idiots inside their house, the two waiid at Boun and the senior just nodded as he went upstairs to see his father.

"P'Boun, Neo said P'Prem is on heat." said Ohm, Boun didn't replied nor turn his back as he didn't pay any attention and knocked on his father's door. As he heard the signal he went in.

"Dad?" Asked Boun.

"Heard that Prem is sick," said the father as his eyes were still fixed on the documents. Boun narrowed his brows hearing his father, it is always like this whenever the kid is sick even though it isn't that bad but they still would tell him to come to the kid.

"Yeah, heard it too." he replied.

"So, you aren't going to visit him?" asked the father making Boun to sigh.

"I'll go visit." he said, it isn't like he'll die if he pays a visit, it's just that he hates to see the nong's face.

"Good." said the father and Boun went out, dragging himself to his room as he take a shower.

Boun wore his shorts as he just wore a plain black shirt, his hair were tied and he looked at the porridge in his hand, he sighed before he knocked twice. Boun actually hates visiting Prem but he got used to it already, he hates it too when the nong peeks him when he is exercising in his room or sometimes when he is topless but can't close his window because his mom would scold him, he is closed to the nong's family as well that's why both of the parties like them for each other but the only problem is Boun, he can't be liking a man, he wants to make his own family but not with Prem, he wants someone who is not whiny as the nong, he wants someone who is not annoying as Prem, he wants someone who likes studying than sports not as the nong, he wants a wife not a husband, he wants a girl not a man, he wants a mature one not a brat, he likes the things that Prem didn't have, that's what made him to reject the nong everytime.

"Is your sick brother here?" asked Boun and Phuwin's eyes formed to a crescent moon seeing the man his brother is admiring, he then pointed his brother who is sleeping on the breathing coughing even though his eyes were close, Boun entered as phuwin let him in.

"Can you put this in a bowl?" asked Boun giving the porridge to Phuwin and the nong happily take it as he went back to the kitchen.

Boun sat on the couch next to where Prem is sleeping, he saw a lot of used tissues in a small bin, he raised his brows as he just noticed that two balls of tissue were blocking Prem's nose, he tried himself not to let out a laugh so the nong wouldn't be disturb. The blonde haired senior stared at the nong who sleeps soudly, he can clearly say that this nong has a bright future since he knew alot of things to do, he just can't stand the craziness of the nong. If it weren't for their parents he wouldn't allow the nong to take a step closer to him, he wouldn't answer nor talk to the nong but he still can't deny that somehow the nong can make him laugh and smile secretly.

"Phi should stop staring at my brother, I'm afraid he'll melt." said Phuwin and Boun coughed as he take the bowl of porridge, he put it in the table as Phuwin tapped his brother's shoulder.

"Hia'Prem should eat so can take his medicine later." said the younger, Prem groaned and wiggle his whole body with his eyes close as shown as disagreement and being lazy ass, Boun looked at the floor as he tried and forced himself not to laugh at the sight. Prem looks like a worm.

"Hia'Boun is here." after hearing the senior's name he then got up immediately but the next happened made Neo to laugh out loud and Boun to think how to feel between being disgusted or to laugh as the tissue balls from Prem's nose jumped out.

"Shit! I'm sorry!" He was about to take it as he coughed and the sounds of lightning was heard making Boun to blurted a laugh because he can't take it anymore, Prem's eyes widened as he squinted can't even believe that infront of him is Boun and he is laughing. As Boun realized it he then coughed and cleared his throat As he wear his plain expression again but that didn't made Prem to be sad that even made him to be happy.

"Hia is here to visit Prem?" asked Prem and Boun didn't answered he just pushed the bowl to wards him as he stood up.

"Just following my dad's order," said Boun and he then quickly left the house making Neo and Phuwin to shared a look.

"He seems to laugh at your stupidity," said Neo as he sat on the chair.

Prem smiled as he picked the tissue balls and put it near his chest, his eyes were sparkling.

"Thank you for your help." said Prem thanking the cotton balls that made Neo and Phuwin to feelt disgusted.

Prem stretches his arm as he stood in front of his wide opened window, he can clearly see the senior working out and he bit his lips upon seeing the senior being hot.

"Such a tease early in the morning." said Prem as he can't take his eyes away from the senior, as Boun finally finished he stood up straight as he wiped his body using his towel.

"If being a towel is a profession maybe I take that course already." said Boun drowning in thoughts by the senior's body, Prem clicked his tongue as he the senior drinks a water and Prem bit his lips even more , the sight was like a commercial and Boun is the model promoting the water brand.

"If being a bottle of water as well, I should have taken that." said Prem again as he got jealous by the towel and the water bottle making him to pout. Later did he know, the senior knew that the nong is checking him out already. Maybe a little tease wont be problem, he really choose the area so the nong can clearly see his face and body.

"Hia!" Prem called and Boun turned to look at him, Prem wearing his beautiful smile looking at the senior take his phone out,

"Smile!" Prem immediately pressed the button countless time before Boun knew that the nong is taking a photo of him, he then slammed his window's door as he was surprised by the sudden beating of his heart.

"Fuck, This can't be. It's wrong."


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