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Prem sighed as he massaged his temple, knowing that if these two were in the same place the person who's with them will surely get a headache.

"Action!" Boun growled at his younger brother, Ohm clicked his tongue as he glared at his brother.

"Horror!" the younger defended, pointing the poster. Even though his eyes were fierce, Ohm were smiling inside, he knew his brother doesn't like horror because he is afraid of ghost.





As the two were still fighting, Prem slowly moved way from them, they're busy barking so he took the opportunity to ran away from them, as he reached outside he immediately took a cab. He leaned his back as he sighed in relief, relief that Ohm wasn't tailing him again, relief that he left Boun behind. Yes, he still have feelings for the senior but he is still testing the senior, testing of how long can he take it but being cold-hearted is the one he can't take.

"Oh, welcome home." The eldest greeted as he put down the plate filled with food in the table, there he saw his brother's lover, Gawin. He greeted them back so as well the latter and headed upstairs. He dumped himself on the bed as he closed his eyes.

Tok! Tok! Tok!

Prem groaned as it came from his window, he dragged his feet to it not minding who did it and why, he opened the window and hissed in pain as he put his hand on his forehead, something has hit it and it hurts.

"Aww! The heck!" Prem growled as he closed his eyes feeling the pain, Boun was startled after the pebble hit Prem's forehead. Prem the opened his eyes glaring at Boun.

"Fuck you!" Prem hissed as he was about to close his window but Boun was fast enough to jumped over, making Prem to be startled and was caught off guard falling on the floor. The distance isn't that long that Boun isn't afraid to just jump over but it gave Prem a heart attack. Boun then closed Prem's window as he helped him stand up.

"I'm sorry, didn't notice you opened it." The senior apologized making Prem to frown.

"Why did you jump? The hell." Prem asked as he went to his table facing the mirror checking his forehead, it marked red as he rubbed it making him to pout.

"Does it hurts?" Asked Boun as he walked closer to the nong, he then grabbed his shoulder as he pulled him to face him.

"Hurting me is your hobby, yeah?" Sarcastically Prem said making Boun to looked at him with gentle eyes.

"I didn't mean it." The blonde hair said as he rubbed Prem's forehead gently. Prem rolled his eyes as he let the senior. He just can't push the senior away.

"Yes you didn't, so why are you here?" Prem looked away as the gentle hand of the senior is making his cheeks covered in red.

"Why you ran away? I was planning to do it when we the movie started but you did first." Boun stated, Prem sighed as he turned his back at the senior.

"You both are annoying." Prem honestly said walking to his closet, Boun sat on the bed as he looked at the nong.

"Am I?" Boun knew he is but what can he do? If being annoying could get his attention then he is willing to be. Prem didn't said anything, only shrugging his shoulders.

"Annoyingly handsome." The shameless words coming from Boun made Prem narrowed his eyes as he looked at the senior.

"Fucking handsome aren't you?" Prem being sarcastic made Boun to laugh as he laid his back on the bed using his arms as his pillow.

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