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"Take a rest everyone na! Good work!" The senior said clapping his hands as they just finished their production rehearsal. Prem wiped his sweat as he fan his hands because the weather is hot. His two friends then came to see him as they helped him wiped his sweat.

"Ai'Prem, as soon as they heard that you already gave up--ahem-- those fangirls of yours are giggling over there," Mark said as he pointed the girls outside that were visible because of the glass, Prem just shook his head as chuckle.

"Not mine, they're theirs." said Prem being humble pointing to the other moon, Best poked Prem's cheeks as he make face.

"They are yours, look where they are staring at." said Best and Prem laugh as he smacked the two's head making the two to hiss.

"You're done for today right? Gonna practice for your talent?" Best asked and Prem nodded as he grabbed his things.

It's been a 1 week already since Prem gave up his love for the senior, he cried for almost three nights and luckily his friends were there to comfort him, they even tried to make him happy by doing dumb things and telling corny jokes, he is thankful that they are his friends and his brothers also helped him, the news of Podd being together with Gawin made him happy and Phuwin being his slave for almost 5 days made him happier. But as he realized it sooner that the senior isn't really for him, he then focused on the Moon and Star competition since it is getting nearer. He even bought new phone because he's too lazy to delete the senior's photo, schedule and all from his phone. He even blocked all of Boun's account, he is glad that now he can sleep more because now he don't need to wake up early.

"P'Preeem!" Ohm called as he ran towards to the senior dragging his friends. Prem turned his back seeing Ohm with his sweet and genuine smile. Prem smiled at him as he waved his hand, even though he gave up already, he is still close with Ohm and Plan but he doesn't go to their house again after that incident. The parents next door were asking him why and he just answered them that he is busy.

"P'Prem the competition is coming, we can watch right? I wanna cheer you!" Said Ohm as he faced Prem, with his smile and eyes sparkling the guys could say that Ohm is happy seeing the senior and if they just didn't know that they're close they will probably say that Ohm has a special feelings for the latter.

"Of course you can! With you watching I can win." said Prem making Best and Mark looked at each other confused.

"Oi Oi, are you two more than just a fri-- aw!" Chimon hissed as Plan smacked his head, Nanon glared at Plan as he rubbed Chimon's head.

"If I were the people around who doesn't know that you two were close friends, I can say that you two were into each other." Said Plan with his hand on his chin as if he is thinking making Chimon to smacked Plan's head as his revenge, Plan hissed as he was about to slap Chimon but was taken aback after seeing Nanon.

"Such a malicious mind." said Ohm as he tilted his head looking at them, he then again looked at Prem as he smiled widely once more.

"Phi, wanna eat together?" Ohm asked as he put his hands on the senior's shoulder, Prem nodded as he looked back looking for his younger brother.

"Ao, Neo and Phuwin isn't with you?" Asked Prem, Ohm shrugged his shoulders as he shook his head.

"You're just inviting Prem and not us? How cruel of you Ai'Ohm," said Mark as he dramatically wipe his fake tears leaning on Best, Best as well hugged Mark as he joined his friend acting as if they were hurt.

"Oi, Phis you can come of course!" Said Plan as he faced them, The two cheerfully held their hands high as they shouted,

"Hooray!" And base on how they act, they look like a kid rather than a grown up man.

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