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The room were quiet, only the breathing of the two boys could be heard. One is is staring at the other while the other were staring on the wall. The younger licked his lower lips as it got pale because of his nervousness. The older would open his mouth ready to utter a word but would close it after feeling that his throat tightened. It's almost midnight and the two hasn't spoke up a word to each other yet after dinner. Boun sighed as he scratches his head taking away his stare from the nong who's looking down.

"Uhh so," Boun started making Prem to be startled, nervousness took over him again.

"You wanna be my boyfriend now?" Boun asked hands trembling, he rubbed his palms to each other as he bit his lower lip. Prem didn't got surprise at all but he is somehow amuse at how he can asked that in their current situation despite Podd telling them not to commit relationship if they are still confuse.

"You know that- I'm not ready," Prem whispered making Boun to nod, he understands the nong, he then held Prem's hand and let our a small chuckle knowing that it is shaking, the nong held his breath at the sudden action of the senior.

"I understand, I told you I can wait." Boun smiled making Prem to smile back as well, the senior squeezed Prem's hand making Prem to looked at him confused.

"Thank you." said Prem, the senior just nodded still smiling.

A month already had passed, Boun knew that Sammy and Prem were just acting because it slipped from Prem's mouth, Boun got happy by that. He and the nong has been close lately, Prem didn't push him away, Boun would always fetch him, brought him food at lunch, would tutor him sometimes, would drag him away from Podd whenever Podd started to lecture Prem and Phawin because of him nor Neo, Talk to the nong's parents and presented himself as the nong's suitor, he would sometimes play basketball with him or visit him whenever Prem has photoshoot since he's the moon.

"You must come." said the senior, Prem can't argue no more as it is part of his responsibility for being the Moon. It's just that the seniors from different faculty decided to have a team building near the beach and that was approved later by the heads. They come up with this rather than celebrating a christmas Party. The Music Faculty were in as well so Prem doesn't have any reason not to go.

The day has come and everyone were excited, Prem who were fetch by Best because Boun can't fetch him due to he had to help the other seniors to prepare. There's four of them in the car and the funniest part is that Mark keep on messing up with Best and Kris.

"So Kris, I told you Best and I have an affair, I'm so proud of myself after being honest---"

"Shut up, Mark!" Best growled making Mark to laugh, Kris just rolled his eyes as he leaned to smack Mark's head making Prem to laugh.

"Ai'Prem! Ai'Kris is attacking me help!" Mark grabbing Prem's arm as he pleaded for help but Prem just nudge him making him frown.

"I'll tell this to---"

"To Perth? No way, he is my ex and he listens to me pretty well." said Kris making Mark to frown, why doesn't he knew anything? Kris winked at Best as a sign that he is just messing with Mark but the latter took it seriously, frowning the whole ride.

Everyone clapped as the program started, they already went to their designated rooms, Best, Mark, Kris and Prem were roommates but considering that Perth just barged in putting his things on their room including him as their roommates as well. Prem were sitting indian sit on the back side with his friends, laughing and being amazed by their MC.

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