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James Potter was loud, arrogant and utterly spoiled. Although, he did have a very kind heart. Much like his mother, he knew I'm order to know someone properly, you had to seek the kindness from within. He knew No it to judge or argue or disagree with people's opinions. And over all, he always had good intentions. James Potter was quite the character.

Sirius Black was lively, passionate and very VERY obnoxious. But in a good way. He didn't have the kindest if parents but he showed different. He learned at an early age that if his own parents didn't love him. He would never love himself. So he made it his job to love everyone else that little bit more. He wasn't all dark and depressing though. He was bubbly and utterly hilarious.  Sirius Black was quite the character.

Remus Lupin was quiet, self kept and adored all around. At a young age, he was separated from society. He was different. But that did not take a toll on this boys mind, heart and thoughts. He had learned from various books he had read, that real heroes, don't wear capes. By 10, he knew what it was like to feel anxious,sad,unloved,depressed, angry and much much more. And yet, he never showed what he was feeling. Remus Lupin was quite the character.

Peter Pettigrew was dependent on others, shy yet always there for those around him. He was a back round character. He didn't come from a very wealthy family and so grew up knowing to appreciate the little things in life. He may have been scared and depended on people for most things, but he never took it for granted. Yet, this boy was very mysterious. Always hiding things from those he loved. To protect them. Peter Pettigrew was quite the character.

Four boys.
Four back rounds.
Four people to change the world.



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