Chapter 8

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Tim is there waiting like he was waiting for me.

"I'm Tim. Paxton get her ready for the meeting."

"What's the meeting?" Teresa asks timidly.

"Why don't you wait kid!" He yells. I want to give Teresa a hug and tell her it's ok, but I can tell people would think I'm weird if I did that. I grab Paxton's hand when Tim leaves and pull him a way from Teresa.

"You tell her we're evil before the meeting, ok!"

"Why?" He asks, maybe he's having fun with it.

"I almost drove you into a wall I was so mad you didn't tell me. Humiliation central!"

"Fine." He rolls his eyes. "That's the fun part though!"

"Paxton. Did you like it when they did it to you?" I ask. He looks away.

"Did you?" I yell a little louder this time.

"Well, no."

"Right. She's like us, think about it that way." And with that I leave to get ready for the meeting, I'm gonna check out my wardrobe and see what clothes I have. Besides my cloak and regular clothes.


I walk up to my room, on my way I pass the room Teresa stays in, it's right next to mine. As I pass I hear Paxton lecturing her. I even hear him say the word evil and smile. My room is cool, no heat I shiver a little. I open up the two large doors to my wardrobe and gasp. Dresses, spandex, sweats, jeans, shirts, jackets, skirts, shoes, everything! I pull out skinny jeans and a black long sleeve shirt for the meeting and get changed.


I walk into the large auditorium and quickly sit next to Paxton who sits next to Teresa and grin. He looks over at me.

"Hey how did you become so happy Ms. Perky Pants?"

"Why do we have dresses in our wardrobes?" I ask. He just laughs.

"You think I have dresses in my wardrobe?" He laughs so hard he interrupts some conversations.

"No you idiot. I have some dresses, why?" I ask laughing.

"I was just kidding. I have a suit and tie. Yea when we win battles and fights that stuff we have parties." He says. I then just remember that we're evil. A shudder runs through me. I see him turn to do something, but thinks against it. I don't know what he was doing.

"Also you told her we're evil?" I ask.

"He, hold your horses. Yea I told her."

"Good." I look over to Teresa. Any happy look she had is gone, tears are welling in her eyes and her face is really red. I punch Paxton in the arm.

"Ow!" He says turning to me.

"Did you give her the news nicely, or hard?" I ask.

"Hard, I guess. You didn't tell me how!" He smirks. I punch him again. Then Tim speaks. The meeting is earlier than mine was. Mine was at night. Her's is in the morning. I totally tune home out. I could care about him in no way, other than he can totally destroy me. When it's over, I grab Teresa before Paxton can and run.

"Where are you taking me you freak!" She asks.

"You'll thank me later!" I yell. "I'm getting you some food!"

"Oh. Thank you!" She says. We arrive in the kitchen. I make noodles just like Kira had made for me, and set them out for us.

"You make food whenever you want. Nobody makes it for you." I say looking at her. "You can eat wherever you want."

"Ok. Kinda like the orphanage." She murmurs, I don't say anything but I hear what she said.

"Hey let's go train." I grab her again not caring about throwing out the food. I lead her to the room and give her her cloak. Then we start, it's pretty rough. I have to re-tape her knuckles multiple times. Same with me. I train while I train her. Kira walks in then. Man she's gonna teach me to shoot arrows and guns.

"Hey Kira, could you teach both of us, maybe?" I ask fearfully. She looks us over then chuckles.

"Of course." She brings us both outside and we start. She starts with me, when she brings out the bow and arrows I stammer back, not ready for the power of it. She shows me how to pull back and release. I'm really good. After she teaches both of us. I shoot the bullets and pierce each of the boards. I smile when we're done.

"Good job girls, and Emerson. Amazing! You're on your own now. You don't need help anymore! See ya two at the meeting." No one is there so she's ok. We both nod. I love the meetings. I fell it's the only safe haven.

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