Chapter 5

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I awake to a light beeping sound. I slowly open my eyelids to see Kira sitting in a chair in my room, reading a book.

"I'm sorry are you lost?" I ask after a moment of complete panic. She looks up smiling.

"Oh you're awake good," she puts down the book and looks up again.

"Why are you in my room, it's," I look to my clock, "6:28."

"I know, but Paxton told me to meet you in your own room to show you to training. He said he would've, but then said to me that it would be weird," she talks a lot.

"Yea ok." I pull back my covers and walk to the bathroom slamming the door behind me. My clothes are laid out on the counter and i get them ready for after I'm done the shower.

I ring my hair out in the sink, then get changed easily. Kira is still waiting, her nose in the book again. I 'cough' and she looks up startled.

"Ok you're ready good," she stands and I see she's wearing the same outfit, though her hair is pulled back in a tight pony tail, then it's braided all way to her shoulders where it curls around her shoulders. She seems ready for anything. "You'll need to do your hair, it will get in your way," she says "I can do it." I just nod. She starts by brushing my hair tearing through the knots saying "sorry" once and a while. Then she grabs my hair in three sections and braids it. She then pulls it to the side. The same style as hers.

"Thank you," I say.

"Sure, ok let's just get going." We walk down the other set of stairs to the Base. It's crawling with people, and that's when I remember the beeping, the computers are going off beeping and blinking.

"Hey what's happening?" I ask. Kira looks at me and laughs.

"They found another hostage to take like us," she says tauntingly, probably trying to make me laugh, but I don't.

"What are they gonna do about it, is it a girl or a boy?" Questions swirl in my head.

"Calm your nerves girl, we'll figure out in a couple of days when they go to capture him or her!" She says, then she continues to walk to the end of the room to a door. I stop her.

"So you're saying they found him or her like me by spying then the blinky things and the beepy things go off when they find that he or her is right for the Riots." I ask stunned my everything happening so quickly.
"Yep. Exactly." Then we walk through the door. At that moment I see the cafeteria. The place we eat.

"Why didn't we eat yesterday. I mean I didn't get food." My stomach growl with hunger.

"Here in this joint, they don't call us to eat like princesses. We eat when we want. We want food, we take it from the kitchen then sit here or, wherever!" I look around there are only two tables, I guess because no one really eats together. We continue and turn to the right leading to a thin hallway. I follow Kira as she leads me through it then turn and faces a door, she clicks it open. It's empty except for some men and some women punching big bags hanging from the ceiling or working with weights. The I hear guns outside.

"Here is the training room. Outside the archery and gun practice. Here fighting and fitness." She then leads me to another room. "Here is the outfits and cloaks. What we're wearing now is our regular clothes. Over there is our cloaks, we only put those in when we go out to fight. There is black and red. Black for boys, red for girls." She picks up a red one and tries it on me. It fits nicely. "Here you go." She hands it to me," keep it on the sides now while you train. I walk out of the room following her. "Let's start!"


I punch the punching bags until my knuckles bleed, Kira laughs. Then she tapes my hands.

"It will be like this a lot, wear tape when you punch k?"

"Yea ok."

"Enough for today, let's go eat." She says, and I pick up my cloak. We enter the kitchen, and she gets out some noodles and heats them up. Then she pours warm tomato sauce on them and hands me it with a fork. I stuff my face until I'm even more tired.

"We'll get you to bed." She leads me upstairs to my room.

"Tomorrow we'll work on archery and gun shooting the we'll see your best acceding category. Oh and good job. Good night!" She leaves and I get into my pajamas even though it's only 7:00. I set my alarm to extra quiet and set it to 11:00. I'm going to that meeting.

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