Chapter 20

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"We need to help him!" I scream. Teresa runs over.

"There is a heartbeat correct?" She asks calmly. I nod and she presses he ear to his chest.

"You're right," she says standing. "Flip him," I do as she says. I turn him so the bleeding side is upright. I turn my face. Teresa rips off some of her clothing and dabs the wound. Then she wraps it gently. I shake Paxton.

"Stop it!" Teresa yells. "We're in the middle of the road, get him to at least a little greenery. We need to get away from the wolf's scent, know that there is blood!" Teresa and I pick him up. And place him in the grass.

"I'll go get some more things for him. Stay here?" I nod. I look down at him.

"Paxton?" I kneel at his face. "Please. Paxton?" He stirs. I touch his face.

"What?" He lifts his head and grabs my hands. He's utterly cold.

"Oh my gosh! Oh your ok!" I gasp.

"Okish," he replies and kisses me.

"Teresa will be back soon. Well say here for the night." I get up and stretch them I make us some overhead so if it rains we'll be ok. Then I pick him up and place him under it. I end up sleeping too, and I rest my head to the earth and fall asleep.


We all wake up early and head on the road. Paxton struggles. I can tell everything hurts for him. The road seems endless. Never ending, until I see houses. I run so fast I almost trip. Teresa is right behind me. As I turn breathless, Paxton is trying to keep up. I laugh, and by the time I reach my house, I don't think I can breathe. This is it. I look at Teresa.

"You can go. Bye. And thank you!" I say happily. Then I stop at my door. Teresa follows.

"You can go. Bye. I'll miss. You!" I say again.

"Um. I live here," Teresa says.

"Ooooo. This just got real!" Paxton says. We just look at him.

"No I live here!" Im starting to get mad. "Ok tell you what," I start because she's not moving, "we both go in and see who really lives here!" Teresa nods. "Stay here Paxton we'll be back." Both of us knock on the door, breathing deeply at the same time. Mother answers. She gasps and falls to the floor sobbing. Dad comes in and joins her weeping at the sight

"Mom. Dad!" Me and Teresa say in unison as we run and hug them. I gasp and look at her. Then my parents.

"Oh my baby's!" My mother screams delighted.


I make a face. My mother sits us down. And explains lightly that she had me, then a couple years later had Teresa. Though they couldn't keep her because it was to much money, they put her in an orphanage. Then when I went missing they took her out of the orphanage and kept her for a little until she went missing too. We're sisters. I invite Paxton in and my mother seems happy I have a "boyfriend" though I never thought of it that way. We eat scones and drink tea. And when it comes time for Paxton to part, I step outside with him. We stand in the somewhat frigid air. My face pink.

"I'm going to miss you," I say. I smile.

"Me too," Paxton moves around trying to keep warm. "I love you, you know," he says. I nod.

"Talk to me. Find a way too ok?" He nods this time and he kisses me. Then he leaves as soon as he came. Off. Safe. Gone. Maybe. One. Day. We will reunite.

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