Chapter 17

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Paxton shakes me awake.

"Emerson. Now we're leaving. Now!" I smile and shake Sara, all I tell her is that we're going backn to our families and she nods. Everyone seems surprised as I enter the new fresh air. I pack some walnuts for the trip. And we leave all with joy in our hearts.

"Who are we dropping off first?" I ask.

"Dropping off we're parting our ways!" Paxton says exasperated.

"Oh." The rest of the trip is silent. When we get to the train station tears roll out of my eyes suddenly. Kira and and Maya give me a hug. But they soon start crying soon too. Teresa cries too as we all embrace. Sara seems teary but I just think she didn't know us that well. I run over and give her a hug. She smiles and hugs me back. Then we all surround her and hug her. She blushes furiously. Paton seems left out. It might be weird...I run over and hug him so quickly he's taken aback. He wraps his arms around me too. We stay like this for a while.

"Aww!" Maya says happily. I laugh.

"First train for Siren. First train for Siren!" The conductor yells as a train arrives. Maya waves and we give her one last hug as she leaves. But before she can take off the conductor looks at her.

"Money?" He asks. We're all taken aback. Oh no! She nods and walks back.

"So much for that," she moves over and sits on the steps. I contemplate something.

"We'll walk!" I say and start down the steps. "Who's with me?" I ask. They all raise their hands and nod but in their hearts I'm sure they could care less and really don't want too. We all start walking.

"What's the closest?" Kira asks. "I mean town wise?"

"Err...Siren," Paxton says. "This way." He points to a sign and we walk leaving only the dust behind us.


Thirty. Thirst. Must drink. Ahhhh. We have been walking for over 4 hours and surprisingly my feet have made it but I know my brain didn't.

"Paxton I need water!" I say.

"When we get to Sire we'll get you some, ok," he says. I moan.

"Ok," I say as I keep walking. I start to see something in the distance. Its Siren.


Maya runs so fast no one can stop her. Right, left, right, left. She makes rapid turn until I can see her stop. She motions for us to join her but we stay in the shadows until further notice. She knocks softly, she must be scared. A woman opens the door and she starts balling her eyes out. She collapses on the floor and Maya gives her a hug. It must be Maya's father he takes one look at Maya and weeps with his wife. After what seems like forever they collect themselves and hug her until she starts getting pale.

"Mom, Dad!!!!" Maya yells, she goes off to explain what happened. Soon she waves for us to come in.

"So these are your friends, are they not?" her mom asks, Maya nods.

"They would like some water, we're really thirsty!" Maya exclaims. We all trudge in the house and at least each have three glasses of water.When we're done we give Maya one last hug and set off again.

"The next town?' I ask when we're on the road.

"Beltid. Sara's town I believe," Sara nods and we're on our way.

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