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I'm Going To Be King Of The Pirates!

{No POV}

It was very early morning when Luffy walked into the Tavern for one last breakfast before setting off on his adventure to become the King of The Pirates.

When he entered the bar was empty aside from Makino, the Mayor and a girl with long blonde hair.

Regardless he approached the bar and asked for some food, which Makino quickly went to make.

"So you're heading out today Mia?" Asked the mayor.

"Yeah." Said the girl.

"Don't tell me you plan on being a pirate too." Said the Mayor.

Mia shrugged.

"I don't care if I end up a pirate or bounty hunter. I won't become a damned Marine. I only care to follow my dream and travel the entire world and learn about every culture out there." Said Mia.

"What a waste of skills..." Said the Mayor.

"Hey lady! You're good at medicine and stuff?" Questioned Luffy.

"My name is not Lady it's Mia. As for your question, yes, yes I am. Why do you ask stranger?" Asked Mia before downing a bottle of Sake.

"My name is Luffy and I'm going to be King of The Pirates! I asked because I'm looking to gather my own crew and I could use a doctor! Say, would you like to join my crew?" Said Luffy.

"I suppose I could be your temporary doctor but I'm more of a researcher and fighter, so if you don't mind me only being a doctor until you find a permanent doctor for your crew, i'd be more than happy to join you as your permanent researcher and temporary / backup doctor." Said Mia.

"I don't mind at all!" Said Luffy.

They then finished eating and then soon left Dawn Island to start their adventure. As they neared the Whirlpool Luffy got inside of a Barrel and Mia got them through to the other side of the whirlpool.

Where their adventure would truly kick off.


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