[Chapter Four]

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{No POV}

Little Garden

Giants Dorry and Broggy!

Mia Shares A Memory with her Friends!

& Nami and Mia Are Sick!

{No POV}

It was a slightly better journey when they headed to Little Garden but Mia herself was sick.

She didn't dare tell her nakama or show it because they needed her to read the currents as they sail so that they can avoid being carried away from their destination. She had a fever but had already medicated herself as soon as she did so and has set up shop in the kitchen to vaccinate her friends.

"Guys! When I call your name, come get your shot!"

"Okay!" Said the others happily.

Mia smiled and got inside and seated before her sudden rush of dizziness could claim her consciousness.

"Luffy!" She called.

Luffy immediately jumped inside sitting readily.

Mia then took the shot she prepared shot for him and cleaned his shoulder with an wet alchhol pad. Then she looked him in the eyes.

"You'll feel a slight pinch and it'll vanish in a second. Once the shot is in your system you'll feel a slight rush of adrenaline but it'll fade almost instantly just sit here until it fades. If you act on it you'll get dizzy and pass out." Mia said.

Luffy nodded with a bright smile and she gave him the shot.

Immediately Luffy learned to never doubt Mia's words. He felt a slight pinch as the needle went in and it immediately vanished a second later. Then when the shot was in his system he immediately felt the rush of adrenaline as everything became more vivid, he could smell even the open sea more strongly, and he could almost fully taste the air. It felt too weird to enjoy so he kept still as Mia had ordered and let it fade before he headed out to the deck to get Zoro who Mia told him to call in for her.

When Zoro walked in, he rolled his sleeve up and took a seat.

Mia told him the same thing she had told Luffy as she cleaned the spot for the shot and gave him the shot when he nodded.

Then, he felt it. First was the pinch it was barely noticed by him but he did feel it. Then it was the rush. It was a shot of adrenaline that he had never felt before. Vision became stronger and brighter, he could taste the air and could smell things he never could before. He became hyper aware of everything and was shocked incredibly when Mia seeing his reaction rushed to the spot where she had put some glasses of water and some kind of medication.

"Damnit Zoro, I asked you if you had exercised heavily before I called you in! Your kind of training regime is definitely heavy exercise! You're dosage became too muc to handle!" She muttered at him angrily knowing he could hear her perfectly.

"S-sorry!" He muttered at her regretfully.

She came back to him with the medication and a glass of water.

"Drink this medicine." Mia muttered.

Zoro did so and the rush became a lot less intense in the matter of a single minute. He looked at Mia questioning what exactly had just happened.

"You're body already had a lot of adrenaline from your training before coming in, the adrenaline rush of the shot only further increased the intensity of the adrenaline already in your system dangerously. You could have died had I not had medication to counteract the adrenaline on hand." Mia explained.

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