[Chapter Ten]

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I know I have not been sticking to things as they exactly happen in canon much, but that's because I have two OC in the Straw Hat Crew in this fanfic. So yes, i'm sticking to canon as best I can but I also have to change somethings for the story to flow better. So be patient. I promise it will be at least a decent read!


Thriller Bark and The Jouney To Sabaody!

{No POV}

After meeting the ever interesting and amusing Brook, the straw hats soon found almost all of themselves shadowless, except for Mia who had refused to live the women's quarters all day claiming she couldn't step outside looking so fat!

Of course, this was the hormones and mood swings talking but when she finally stepped out and was caught up to speed everyone was thankful and concerned all at once to see her so pissed.

Concern grew into down right terror for her and her unborn triplets' wellbeing as she suddenly vanished in a puff of smoke running without any trouble the castle breaking down the doors and heading straight for Morria.

They chased after her only to find anyone who had obviously tried to get in her way drowned to unconsciousness or physically beat to a bloodly pulp all except for about 10 blatantly powerful enemies she had left for them on purpose. So they got to work fighting all the while hoping that their pregnant nakama was alright.

-With Mia-

[Surprise Ahead In A While For You All! ENJOY!]

When Mia finally reached Morria she quickly got to work pummeling him to a pulp.

It was difficult for her as she was pregnant now, but she kept fighting carefully. Having fun playing around with the stupid Shichibukai making sure to slowly but carefully get all the shadows he held within him out. After she finished that she finally smiled victoriously as he froze in realization.

"SAYONARA YOU UGLY BASTARD!!!!" Said Mia in a loud shout that was heard all over Thriller Bark as she finally knocked him out.

Then she took deep breaths, calming herself, and then walked leisurely to the Sunny to rest her pregnant body.

-With Luffy-

Luffy ended up facing a man that had tried to spy on his beloved wife while she bathed.

He was pissed at this bastard.

Thus he proceeded to pummel his ass to near death.

Quickly winning and joining Zoro in the Crow's Nest of the Sunny to train together for a while.

-With Franky and Chopper-

Franky was annoyed but Chopper? Chopper was beyond pissed the fuck off. It took a lot of encouraging from Franky to get the reindeer to calm himself enough to not use the trump card he used in Sabaody against the bastard Dr Hogback.

But they soon conquered the bastard easily applying in battle what Mia had taught them with the help of Aisa, who had been training her and Luffy in Mantra all the while, and of course Luffy and Zoro. When he could Sanji would work with them as well.

However the best instructor they had at their side in their nakama was definitely Mia, who pregnancy and all, they all had to admit was definitely their strongest member.

Even stronger than their own Captain, but trusting her judgement and their Captain was easy for them seeing as they both were leaders along with Zoro in their rag tag crew.

So when Franky and Chopper finished their fight they headed to the ship and continued training while they waited for Usopp, Rena, Sanji, Midnight and Nami to come back to the ship.

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