[Chapter One]

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Romance Dawn & Syrup Village

{No POV}

After they got safely onto the Passenger Ship being raided by The Alvida Pirates, Mia was bored.

She stayed back in the shadows bored since she could tell her new Captain had been growing restless and wanted to have some fun. Of course, she still followed them and ate some food when they reached the food storage of the passenger ship.

"Do you even have a crew?!" Coby brought up in hos rant of disbelief.

"Yeah! I already have my first crew member! She's right beside you!" Said Luffy in response.

"EH?!" Exclaimed Coby turning to look beside him.

"Yo." Greeted Mia pausing momentarily from eating her 20th Apple.

"Eh?!" Exclaimed Coby.

[We'll just skip the battle scenes for now! Since this is dragging on too much! Sorry!]

-And Then!-

"So what's this Zoro guy like anyways? I gotta admit i'm a bit curious myself..." Said Mia agreeing with Luffy.

Then...she fell asleep against the mast.

After a while when they reached land she woke up and they went ashore. After a while they were passing by a restaurant when Mia decided to stop.

"Hey Captain, I'm still hungry so I'm going to go eat at that restaurant over there if you don't mind." Said Mia.

"Alright! I'll catch up with you later!" Said Luffy as him and Coby continued to walk.

Then Mia walked into the restaurant and ordered some food. Then began to chow down like there's no tomorrow.

When she was finished with half of her food, Luffy and Coby walked in with a little girl.

"Hey Captain! Over here! Ordered you some food." Said Mia still chowing down.

"Sweet! Thanks Mia!" Said Luffy running over and sitting down to eat.

"So did you find him Captain?" Asked Mia once they finished chowing down.

"Mh-hm!" Answered Luffy.

Soon the daughter and the restaurant owner explained Zoro's situation and Helmeppo burst in and went on his spiel revealing that he intended to break his promise to Zoro which made Luffy mad and had him punch Helmeppo in the face only to afterwards be held back by Mia who splashed him with a fist made of water.

"Simmer down Captain. He's not worth even looking at." Mia said while looking at a book she had in her hands about the island they were currently at.

Luffy now lazy and sluggish fell back on his butt as Helmeppo and the marines with him ran off.

Then the restaurant owner handed Luffy a towel and Mia smiled at him.

"I've decided! Today! Zoro joins our crew! Any problems with that Mia?" Said Luffy.

Mia smiled in a way that made several people shiver.

"None at all Captain... Ready whenever you are." Said Mia putting her book away in her bag and handing said bag to Coby.

"Hold this kiddo. Captain and I have got work to do." Mia said.

Soon they found themselves at the marine base in front of Zoro as the former and Luffy spoke before Luffy ran off.

"Just who is that guy?" Zoro thought outloud.

"He's the man who's going to be King of The Pirates." Answered Mia calling attention to herself as she read a book she held with one hand and worked the knots holding Zoro to the stakes with her other.

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