[Chapter Thirteen]

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I wont spoil anything! Enjoy!

The Span Of Two Years

~4 Months Later~

{No POV}

Screams rang out in the cabin of the three pirates inhabiting Rusukaina Island.

Most were from Mia as she was pushing and pushin to give birth to her triplets that were on their way at last. Others from Ace whose hands were being crushed by the screaming Mia. While others were vocal instructions from Rayleigh as he was helping Mia deliver the children with the help of Hancock and her sisters.

Then hours later a baby's cry was heard and Mia and Ace paused their screaming briefly in joy as they smiled with tears in their eyes.

"The first one out is the boy! Congratulations! Keep pushing Mia! The next one's head is crowning!" Instructed Rayleigh.

Then the screaming from Mia resumed While Ace stepped aside and held their newborn son.

After another thirty or so minutes another baby came out with a cry.

"The second eldest is a girl! Congratulations! One more! Push with all your might! You can do it!" Rayleigh said.

Mia then gave one more long push with all her might and out came the last child!

"Congratulations! Your youngest is a healthy baby boy!"

Mia smiled and shared a kiss with Ace as she held their baby girl and other baby boy.

"What should we name them dear, Dew Drop?" Asked Ace sweetly.

Mia smiled as the girl opened her eyes revealing them to be surprisingly blue like hers but dark enough to appear violet the small tufts of hair on her head were black like Ace's eyes.

"Midnight? In honour of our deceased adopted daughter... What do you think about that for our beautiful baby girl?" Asked Mia.

"No... Doesn't seem quite right." He said pensively as he looked at his daughter with a smile.

"How about we name her after my mother? I know it's odd but..."

"Not at all Fire Boy... It was going to be my next suggestion... So we'll name her Portgas D Rouge..." Mia said with a brilliant motherly smile.

Then they turned to look at their youngest son who now opened his eyes revealing them to be brown like his father but his tufts of hair were blonde like his mother though.

"Portgas D. Roger..." Mia and Ace said in unison.

After Mia woke up and they had time to themselves to talk on the way to Marineford, Ace revealed that he was willing to forgive his birth father seeing as he was Terminally Ill and was only looking out for his son.

With their youngest named they turned to their oldest that soon opened his eyes to reveal he had heterochromia. One of his eyes was a violet like blue (much like his younger sister) while the other was brown like his father and younger brother.

"Portgas D Seiji seems like a good one to me love." Said Ace to his wife.

Mia smiled sadly but nodded.

"Yeah... It's a good way to honor the man who gave his life for me to survive despite it meaning he'd loose everything he ever treasured... When I was in Impel Down... I was looking for both you and my father, but when I reached the one cell where he had been, I learned that I was a day too late, he had been executed just a day before I had made it there. By Borsalino who came rushing over there questioning him about whether he had a child or not... But he denied my existence to protect me." Mia said as she cradled her babies as they slept.

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