[Chapter Sixteen]

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I changed my mind about going on Hiatus! I'm going to do the next arcs from Memory so keep in mind that somethings might change because I'm working off my memory and this IS a REWRITE. Therefore there are bound to be changes in how things go down or what happens here and there.

So without Further Ado! I bring you Chapter 16.



Punk Hazard!

{No POV}

After sailing off from Fishman Island they traveled peacefully for about a month, before things got crazy once more.

"Papa! What's that?!" Asked Reiki, Olivia, Luna, and Rouge to their fathers in unison.

Like that fight number 40 between Olivia and Reiki and number 20 between Luna and Rouge broke out.

The adults were too distracted though by what the children had pointed out, except the two preteens who broke up the fighting kids before focusing on what the adults were so caught up by.

"The fishes here are all dead..." Usopp commented.

"The water looks to be boiling..." Commented Brook.

"It's getting so hot out here..." Nami and Rena commented.

"Yes... It's getting far too hot. Chopper, Aisa, Kei, head inside with the children and stay there. Brook go with them. We don't need this heat melting you if it gets any worse." Instructed Zoro growing more serious as the men all took off their shirts.

The women following suit revealing they had swimsuits on underneath their clothes.

"Ace! Do you know what could be causing this extremely hot weather? It's too unatural. The water is scalding hot!" Mia asked her husband.

"No clue! As far as I remember the water here was never so hot, much less the weather... But I haven't been here in almost three years so somethings might be different." Ace answered.

"Anchor the ship! It's too risky right now to go any further!" Ordered Luffy.

"Yes Captain!" Shouted the other adults quickly getting the ship anchored and sails furled.

"Mia! Ace! Do you see that?" Asked Luffy to Mia and Ace suddenly.

They looked and saw it, growing surprised.

"An Island?" Ace gasped out seriously but suspicious about it.

"I'm with you Ace, something is definitely NOT right here... It doesn't seem natural..." Mia said to her husband.

"We should go explore it! But only some of us. We need some people to stay here with the children. We don't know anything about this mysterious Island after all... It could be dangerous." Luffy said.

"I can get the Mini Merry there with the use of a milky road made with my climatact. But that means we can only send five people since only five of us can fit in the Mini Merry." Said Nami seriously standing at Luffy's.

"I've got it! Let's all draw straws! The five who choose a straw with a red tip can go on the island in the mini merry and the others stay here with Aisa, Kei, Chopper and Brook who already decided they'd stay on the ship. That leaves Luffy, Myself, Ace, Mia, Zoro, Robin, Sanji, Rena, Franky, and Usopp to the luck of the draw." Nami said before showing them she'd grabbed 10 straws.

She handed the straws to Aisa who held the ends out of sight, turned, shuffled all of them around, and then turned back to her Nakama.

"Okay, each one of you grab a straw." Aisa said.

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