[Chapter Fourteen]

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Return To Sabaody!

Set Sail For the New World!

{No POV}

After two long years, the door of Shakky's Rip Off Bar was opened by a proudly smirking Zoro.

"I'm the first one here?! Those guys never change..." He said before going in and drinking some sake.

~The Next Day~

In another part of Sabaody in a bar a woman with long Orange hair sat with one of her babies dressed very adorably on her lap eating food. Next to her sat a young girl with dark purple hair in pig tails and had brown eyes that was drinking milk and eating food along with a baby that was on her lap.

Then some people chattered about rumours while the girls just ate and cleaned the now full babies when some people waltzed in claiming to be the Straw Hat Pirates which made the girls look over only to be bored once more.

In another part of Sabaody, A skeleton dressed in interesting stage clothes was preparing to perform on stage.


"Uh... Hai Soul King-san?" Answered the odd looking manager.

"There is something I have to tell you before the concert starts.." Soul King said.

Soon the concert began and the skeleton began to perform.


In another part of Sabaody a blonde man and a woman with now waist long black hair in a braid sighed in joy and cuddled together, the woman holding a small baby boy in her arms that could be no more than a year old.

The okamas behnd them shared tearful goodbyes with the small family of three quickly going to Shakky's Rip Off Bar.

Back in the bar...

A man began to grovel for mercy as a fat ass claiming to be Straw Hat Luffy began to blather with a man claiming to have a 55 million Berri bounty.

After some more chattering, the man tried to flirt with the orange haired beautiful woman at the bar who simply ignored him.

"That's okay. I'm waiting for someone." She said boredly not caring to even reply.

Everything went quiet for several moments.

"I'm only going to say this once." She said pausing to turn to him. "You're no match for me, so i'm not going to drink with you!" She said unemotively taking a line Mia had used once at a bar.

"Do you understand, Straw Hat...Who?" She finished with a look that spoke of annoyance and boredom as she handed the baby boy in her arms to the young girl discretely.

"Did you say who?!?!" Said the man before going on a spiel as the woman claiming to be Nami approached Nami and threatened her life.

A man soon sauntered in and shot at the woman with a seed that grew a plant handling the woman and her friends effectively.

The woman and girl quickly and carefully hugged the long nosed man excitedly before chatting a bit, paying their tab and leaving quickly before the place was promptly electrocuted by a thounger cloud.

As they walked and talked Usopp, Nami and Aisa paid it no mind as the bar got burned.

~After A While~

Somewhere else on Sabaody a woman carrying a baby girl in her arms went to some posters and looked at them with the help of her daughter.

And by a Cotton Candy Stall a small two leg walking reindeer bought some Cotton Candy.

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