[Chapter Six]

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Ace Appears & Straw Hats Vs. Baroque Works

{No PoV}

After a few days of sailing towards Alabasta with Mia and Sanji staying below deck during the day resting or in Sanji's case cooking, they found a strange man drowing in the sea and rescued him.

Only to befriend him and soon find out he was Mr. 2 Bon Clay.

So after Bon Clay left they called up Sanji and the now grouchy but awake Mia.

"What the hell is so important you disrupt my precious sleep?!" She questioned coldly.

"We ran into Mr.2 Bon Clay, and he has devil fruit powers that allow him to turn into any single one of us. You and Sanji and Rena are the only ones who didn't get touched by him so we need to find a way to know its really us and not just Bon Clay in disguise." Explained Nami calmly.

Mia then yawned and relented.

After some discussion and a lot yawning from an exhausted Mia they finally decided to have Mia who was the better artist make two different tattoos on the bodies of all her friends and of Vivi and Caroo.

And X on the wrist which they bandaged to hide the mark and on the left thigh of everyone she tattooed the straw hat pirates' pirate mark which then everyone covered up.

After a while they reached their first stop in Alabasta and Mia fell asleep standing up.

"I feel kind of bad having woken up Mia-san when she had stayed up all night every night this week on watch." Vivi said awkwardly as she looked at the sleeping woman that was now being picked up by Luffy.

"I'm sure she doesn't mind. She'll wake up soon enough for food. She hasn't anything since breakfast so she'll wake up in a while hungry." Nami said kindly.

Then they all left having noticed Luffy had run off with Mia into the island screaming about food.

-With Luffy and Mia-

After finding themselves in the desert Mia woke up and her stomach growled. They found a hut and beat up the criminal after burning all the bags of powder at Mia's request.

'Rain Dance Powder... This shit is best gone permanently from this country.' Mia thought to herself as they began moving quickly back to town.

Once there they ran right into a restaurant to eat. Mia however was shocked as she saw the figure sitting next to Luffy that was asleep with their head in their food.

She decided to approach but was stopped when the door was slammed open into her knocking her straight into the man she had been studying and out of the restaurant.

When they got up, they locked eyes.

"Mia..." He muttered.

"Ace.." She muttered back before they remembered who exactly had burst into the restaurant. They ran back in time to see Luffy run out of the restaurant with Smoker right on his tail.

Mia turned to the restaurant owner and handed him a bag of money and picking up her food and downing it in one go.

"Thanks! Sorry for the damage! The bag should have enough to cover the damage and our tabs! Let's go Ace!" She shouted dragging Ace with her.

They then ran side by side.

"So you've joined Luffy's crew?" He asked as they ran.

"Yes, I'm one of the two vice captains of the crew! So you're related to Luffy?" She said.

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